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Issues Confronting the Nation in the 1850s

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the various issues confronting the nation in the 1850s that so inflamed the passions of people in both the North and the South such that peaceful compromise became less and less a possibility in the election of 1860. Do you ever foresee a time when America might reach a similar impasse that could lead to another Civil War? What issues would likely create this situation?

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Confronting the Nation in The 1850s
In the 1860–1861 secession crisis, in the Deep South states, slavery was one of the issues that caused this. The South’s economic development was closely tied to using slavery in the agricultural industry, while in the North, there was more focus on manufacturing, and the region attracted immigrants. Cotton and, to a lesser extent, sugar plantations in the South were the leading exporters of slave-grown crops. Even though most whites in the South did not own slaves, the institution of slavery influenced race relations, law politics, and religion in the South (Foner, 2014). Southerners also resented that the North tried to dictate how the southern states needed to run their affairs by forcing them to change and abolish the institution of slavery
In the 1850s, one of the major issues pitying the North and the South was slavery. Northerners became opposed to slavery on moral grounds, but the institution of slavery became more acceptable in the South. The Republican Party, which was against slavery, grew in influence, but southerners then abandoned political moderation and embraced slavery. Republicans in the North also hoped that slavery would not grow in the western territories. The Deep South states were heavily reliant on agriculture, and slaves were required in the industry. At the same time, in the Upper South, there were centers of industry in Baltimore with a more diversified economy, as were St. Louis and Richmond (Foner, 2014).
Before laws were passed recognizing slaves, they were treated as property and had few legal rights, and ...
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