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Writing A New History of the Cold War: Essay

Essay Instructions:

A new understanding of the Cold War based on fresh materials

Ok, so you won't be exactly breaking new ground with this paper because the materials you are working with have been known to professional historians for some time.

But what this writing assignment does is very similar to what science students do in a laboratory: take some raw materials and compounds and synthesize something new in a controlled condition.

You are now the historian and will write a new history of the Cold War that will help us understand this important historical era in a new light.

Your writing task

Your essential task is to show how the materials we used in this module (the four case studies) help to either overturn, modify, or deepen our understanding of the standard interpretation and concepts used to understand the Cold War.

In order to do this well, you will need to have an accurate grasp of the main points of the standard Cold War interpretative framework and then know how to use the documents and sources from the case studies to address those various points.

Your new history will need to include:

1) A clearly stated thesis in which you are able to encapsule your main points into a clear statement about how these materials now give us this new big understanding of the Cold War.

2) 3 main points. For each main point, you will need to address 1 specific standard interpretation of the Cold War and how the new materials shift our understanding.

For the 3 main points, I will be looking to see how accurately you can summarize the traditional views and how well you use multiple evidence from our texts to support your new interpretation.


Write a 2 page response (roughly 600 words) in essay format. Just make sure you address 1-4 as highlighted above. Please also refer to the grading rubric to for further guidance.

Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to Inbox me. I will also make an announcement before the due date as a question and answer forum for everyone.

When you are ready, please submit as a file upload to this page.

DUE: April 25

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Writing a New History of the Cold War
Writing a New History of the Cold War
Various studies on the causes and history of the Cold War have mainly attributed the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union to ideological differences, the development of nuclear weapons, and anxiety over the spread of communism in America. Many of these studies tend to focus on the role of ideology, technology, and culture without illuminating the much more complex reasons and events that led to the events in the Cold War. This paper will try to write a new history of the period and bring new light to our understanding of the period, over and above, deepen current interpretation of the Cold War. It is theorized that America is also to blame for the Cold War because of its delay in entering the Second World War II, its inability to understand Russia’s expansionist ideology, and its economic favoritism.
The traditional view concerning the beginning of the Cold War is that the USSR is mostly to blame for inciting tensions between the two global superpowers. However, America’s actions and attitudes were also responsible for instigating the conflict and the two countries share equal accountability for the outbreak of the Cold War. Both sides were mistrustful of each other even before the end of World War II. Stalin was resentful of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill for delaying the Normandy Invasion and leaving his country to fight off the Nazi Germans alone. Stalin felt that his country did not have to lose so many men if the Allies had come to his side earlier. Rather than resolve this stalemate, the Postdam Conference further highlighted the divide between the two countries when Stalin and Truman showed wariness towards one another even though they were all fighting against the Axis powers and near winni...
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