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History Event

Essay Instructions:

the instructor wants us to interview someone whose age is more than 50 years the first pages, she wants us introduce the person the 2nd page introduce their historical memory of an historical event the 3rd page discuss on acadamic article on the same historical event the 4th and 5th are pages discuss your examination/ analysis of the differece between memory

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History Event
The Iraq invasion by the Americans in March of 2003 leads toppling of the brutal authoritarian government of Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein, a Sunni strongman, crushed any opposition, but viciously punished the Shiite Arabs and Kurds who have long sought power and or independence in the country. In 2002 and 2003 the American intelligence under the stewardship President George W. Bush cited the possibility of the Iraqi government was acquiring chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons and posed a threat directly to the United States. This was the rationale for the pre-emptive Iraqi invasion. The claim from Mr. Bush and some of the American senior officials suggested that Saddam was linked to the Osama bin Laden founded Al Qaeda. However, after the war and ousting of Mr. Hussein, they searched for evidence of the weapons and up to date have found no evidence and this has created lots skepticism on the Americans and its intention towards Iraqi
Mr. Maroof Sahaabi ka naam a strong supporter and Saddam Hussein, a former professor at the University of Karbala in Karbala (Iraq). He is an editor of the Iraqi Post, and an author of the bestselling books among the Arab nations “American Disguise” ( The Book Publishers 2007) and “False Pretence: The Imaginary Weapons” (Eco-Writer Ltd. 2009). Mr. Maroof a specialist in Psychology of Politics and a war historian has given lectured in Universities and seminars all over the world including the United States and is a political advisor to some of the Arabic countries. He has mediated peace talks in different countries with considerable success and written numerous political articles and it is currently working on his third book “Politics of War.”
Historical memory
Interviewer: I first got to know about after you popular Radio interview in Iraq immediately the United States started their invasion of your country. You were strongly opinionated about the war and boldly criticized the United States for their actions. Being in Iraq at the time what factors led to the invasion?
Mr. Maroof: The Iraqi war was a simple disguise by the Americans to destroy Iraqi's growth and leadership in order to gain control of the oil reserves in the country. Mr. Saddam was not a brutal and vicious leader as suggested, but a leader who was thought to be oppressive as he came from a minority group in the country and the majority could not bear the fact that they are being led by a minority community.
The struggle in Iraq was due to the ascent by the majority Shiite Arabs to positions of power. The Sunni Arabs were opposed to Shiite governments and chafed at overturning this government. In the early years of the 29th century British colonial powers that all the people did not support inserted the minority Sunni Arabs as proxy rulers positions they have maintained until the war.
Interviewer: If this was a noble action by the British why did they come back this time with Americans against the same leadership they put in place?
Mr. Maroof: Saddam Hussein was a Sunni strongman from the North who did not allow people and other countries to play their political games with Iraq and the Iraqi leadership. He did not listen to ideas that would jeopardize his leadership and progress of the country disregarded the World's superpower (America) involvement in the country.
In view of this, in 2002 and 2003 the United States President at that time Mr. George W. Bush in support with the British Prime Minister alluded that Saddam Hussein was purchasing dangerous mass destruction weapons and posed a threat to the Americans and the World. The United Nations in 2002 and the US-led Iraq Survey found out that these accusations were false with Mr. Bush lamenting that Mr. Hussein.
On the 16th of March, 2003the United States government advised UN inspectors to leave the incomplete work they were doing and four days later without declaring war, the American led coalition forces started their invasion in Iraq.
Interviewer: It is interesting how the Iraqi invasion was done. How was this conducted?
Mr. Maroof: Looking at the strategy the troops used, the Iraqi invasion was in two phases or stages. First was the 20th March, 2003 invasion that was LED by the United Sat...
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