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Main ideas of Adam Smith

Essay Instructions:

Hi, thanks for writing for me. You must write the essay according to the structure and points that I provided. Please read the document attached carefully which shows how to write each paragraph and what is supposed to write for each paragraph. Write according to the instruction in the document. I need more than 90%. Thanks!


History of idea

Outline and explain the main ideas of Adam Smith. Why the idea is a breakthrough and what are the impacts.

It is an argumentative essay Introduction

Clear introduction explains which thinker has been selected for discussion, and presents an argumentative

viewpoint on his importance within the history of ideas.

(Brief introduction about Adam Smith and his idea of capitalism)

Paragraph 1 (focus on one part of capitalism: self interest) Outlines the idea of self interest of Adam Smith accurately and in detail.

Paragraph 2(focus on one part of capitalism: the invisible hand in the market)

Outlines the idea of the invisible hand in the market of Adam Smith accurately and in detail.

Paragraph 3(focus on one part of capitalism: government policy of non-intervention)

Outlines the idea of government non-intervention policy of Adam Smith accurately and in detail.

Paragraph 4[focus on why the idea of capitalism(self interest, invisible hand and government nonintervention policy) is a breakthrough and the impacts] Uses a variety of ways to demonstrate importance:

a.    Compares the thinker's ideas with those of other thinkers of his time.Use relevant examples and detailed information, in an analytic way which contributes to the overall argument that the thinker was important.

b.    Explains the long-term effects of the thinker's ideas. Show historical understanding of Adam Smith's situation, and of later, related developments in ideas.

c.    Considers the validity of the thinker's ideas, and how they resulted in improved human knowledge. Uses precise examples of the thinker's work to support the point.


conclusion which summarises the main points analytically, in relation to the question

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Main ideas of Adam Smith
Course title:
Main ideas of Adam Smith
Adam Smith – 1723 to 1790 – is best known for his pioneering work as far as capitalism is concerned. An 18th century philosopher, Smith advocated from capitalism and would write many books all of which sought to justify the ideology. He made many assertions regarding capitalism and economic issues all of which he provided substantial backing. It was through his ideas of capitalism that people would develop a different idea of what trade and economy is. According to Adam Smith, the only way an economy of a country would grow was by allowing for more capital to come and encourage private ownership of property as opposed to communal ownership.
Self Interest
This is one of the aspects of liberal capitalism that Adam Smith advocated for. He argued that concern for oneself over concern for all others is the biggest driver of economic prosperity. Adam Smith argued that although self interest is always associated with greed and lack of morality, it does not always make it wrong. He asserted that in order to achieve success and growth, it is easier when it is done at an individual level (Pack, 2010). While it is good to promote the interest of others the differing ideas and interests are likely to slow down the process of growth. He therefore advocated for self interest as way of acquiring economic growth. He further argued that self interest is propagated by nature. Every person naturally tends to look out for themselves. He hence did not see the immorality of self interests and argued that people should be encouraged to have self interest. In his opinion, it is not practically possible to look out for other people without looking for oneself first.
The Invisible Hand in the Market
The concept of invisible hand is also part of the concept of liberal capitalism. Adam Smith argued that when people are selling items in the market, their ultimate aim is to make profits from the sale. This is a promotion of one’s self interest. However, in doing so, the interests of other people who are interested in the items are covered. Although promotion of interests for other people happens unintentionally, it still happens all the same. According to this concept therefore, there is an invisible hand within the market, which ensures that interests of all people are served (Pack, 2010). The invisible hand in the market ensures that all needs are met even as people seek to fulfil their self interests. In so doing, there is promotion of liberalism in the market.
Non-Intervention by Government
The concept of non-intervention is also a concept that sought to achieve liberalism in the market. He promoted this idea to achieve freedom of markets. He argued that for a market to thrive, freedom from government interference was important. Smith (2007) argued that the only way for market to achieve freedom was ensuring that there is non-interference from the government. This concept best referred to as laissez-fare advocated for a hands-off approach by the government. The government was expected to keep away from control and regulation of the free market. This would ensure that the market would self govern itself and thereby achieve optimum growth. According to Smith, competition remains the cornerstone of economic growth. He observed that it was not possible to achieve economic growth without healthy competition, which would only be realized in the abse...
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