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Course Student Learning Objectives

Essay Instructions:

Describe the operation of political instituitions and processes as designed under the california and the US Constitution.(executive, legislative,judiciary)

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Course Student Learning Objectives
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Institutional Affiliation Legislative
The role of the legislature is to make the laws by passing bills, voting, and amending them to be enacted into laws (Justice, n.d). The legislature is made of the house of representatives and the senate (Chou & Carrillo, 2010). In the US constitution, the vice president of the United States heads the Senate House. Under the California constitution, the head of the senate house is the governor. The two houses are charged with the duty of making laws. The proposed bill must first be discussed and voted for in the two houses before being enacted into law. The powers of the legislative institution under California law is limited to matters affecting particular legislature. Therefore, they are limited to levying of taxes, enacting laws, and overseeing the distribution of funds. The legislative body under the US constitution has a wider range of duties. They regulate commerce, levy and collect taxes, establish money value, and declare war. Under the California constitution, the power to enact laws and policies is first reserved to an electorate body that can overrule the decisions. In both constitutions, the heads do not participate in voting processes unless in the eventuality of a tie.
Under the United States and California constitution, the executive body serves to sign in laws or reject the bills passed by the legislature. The president is the head of the executive body under the Unites States constitution while the governor heads the executive under the California constitution. The president and the governor share a mandate to pardon, commutation and reprieve except in the cases of impeachment, and as long as they give reasons (Justice, n.d). In the same case, the governor is limited to awarding pardon to a person convicted twice unless the judiciary intervenes. The head leaders also share a duty to command an army that is awarded to them. However, under the California constitution a governor may command an army, but is limited to declaring war. A declaration of war is limited to the president of the United States under the constitution. The United States constitution gives the president authority to negotiate and sign treaties and agreements with foreign policies (Justice, n.d). The president and the governor under the United States and California constitution have the power to appoint people temporary to a vacant office until the Senate meets to elect a successor.
The judicial body under...
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