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EOMEQ 2 Progress Essay Questions

Essay Instructions:
You should be working through your essays each week as you watch the videos and read the textbook and articles over the topics. Remember to follow the directions <linkedLinks to an external site.. (Discussion post not required yet, this is just to check your weekly essay progress). You will submit these again at the end of the module. This is checking to make sure you are on the right track as you go and to verify that you are working on your essays every week. This is not a discussion forum, this is just for the professor to review your work. Submit your essay answers to the following 12 essay questions. Greeks 1. Greek Women: Compare and Contrast Spartan women and Greek women. How were their roles similar and different from each other? How were the roles and expectations of men and women different from one another? Why do you think the ancient societies we have covered so far this semester, including the Greeks, have different roles and expectations for women than they do for men? Romans 2. Use multiple sources to explain the development of the Republic government structure following the Roman Monarchy. How did this republican style of government transition into an empire? What was the role of Marius, Julius Caesar, and Augustus in the transition from the Republic to the Empire? What was the influence of class struggle (populares and optimates) in the transition from Republic to Empire? 3. Roman Women: From reading, lecture, and primarily from the primary source packet. How are women depicted in Roman writing? What characteristics make a good Roman woman? What do you learn about gender roles? Where do you notice a double standard? What does Juvenal say is the cause of the corruption of women? What do you notice about dress, religion, and romance? Which of these gender stereotypes are still true today? How are the daily lives of Roman women different from the roles women had in various Greek city states? Late Antiquity 4. What is Late Antiquity? Did Rome Fall or did it gradually transition? What were the causes of the decline and transition of the Roman Empire into a the Dark Ages and multiple-kingdom system? How were the East (Byzantine) and Western (European) Roman Empires growing apart and evolving differently? What were their characteristics? What role did the tetrarchy plan in the fracture between these two regions of the Roman empire? Great source for this is the Module overview. 5. From a small, regional, and unorganized sect of Judaism, why and how did Christianity become the dominant and then only religion in the East and Western Roman Empires by the end of the fourth century? What factors brought the growth of the religion? What events led to the institutionalization, organization, and domination of the religion? Islam 6. Who lived in the Arabian Peninsula and what were their cultures like prior to the first Islamic State and spread of Islam? Who was Muhammad, what were some of his actions, and how did he start the Islamic religion? What are the five pillars of Islam? Why did the the Sunni and the Shia sects form and what is the difference between them? Medieval Europe and Renaissance 7. Religion played a central role in Medieval life in both the European-Catholic Western part of what was the Roman Empire and the Eastern part (the Byzantine Empire). Discuss the role of religion and how it played out in significant events. To fully answer this question, you need to define and include the role of religion in feudalism, the Iconoclasm, the Crusades, the Hundred Years War, and the Reconquista. 8. Compare and Contrast the Vikings and the Sea People (from Module 1). In what ways were the similar? In what ways were they different? Consider the reasons they raided, pillaged, and then settled. Consider their significance and the results of their actions in the centuries they were active (such as the Bronze Age Collapse, the institution of feudalism and the creation of the Holy Roman Empire). Consider when their histories were actually written as opposed to simple oral tradition. 9. The Crusades: How many crusades were there (look at the lecture powerpoint, the Crash Course video only covers 4)? What were each of them about? Who was involved? What were some of the interesting or complicated issues in the Crusades? What roles did religion and economy play in the Crusades? What were some of the shocking and disturbing Crusades? 10. Various regions in Europe, Africa, and Western Asia experienced the Middle Ages differently. Describe the differences between the Byzantine Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, African Kingdoms/Empires, and the Islamic Empires (Turk and Egypt). What were the characteristics, concerns, accomplishments, and controversies of each of these regions? How were they similar and different from one another?
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Progress Essay Student’s Name Institution Course Instructor Date Progress Essay Question 1 Spartan women were independent from their men, while Greek women remained dependent on their men. Spartan women engaged in physical activities to become physically fit like the men in society (Kordas et al., 2023a, para. 22). Hence, they took roles similar to men's, such as defending their land. Greek women took different roles from Spartan women, which involved caring for their homes. Their primary focus was on motherhood and taking care of the children, which differed from men's roles in society. Question 2 Rome changed from a republic into an empire by conquering its enemies and forming colonies. Initially, there was strife between the different classes of individuals called the patricians and the plebeians (Kordas et al., 2023b, para. 12). The patricians were the community's elite who wanted activities to be run their way. The plebeians were the commoners who wanted inclusivity in the decisions made. When more plebeians got into power, they focused on inclusivity and the expansion of the republic. As Rome expanded, it conquered its enemies in the different regions and subjected them under its rule. It did so and became significant to the extent that it shifted from a republic to being an empire. There was still strife between the populares group, which was made of politicians, and the optimates group, made of individuals who wanted the old order to remain in place. When Rome started losing war, Marius came into power to conquer its enemies so that Rome could retain its empire status. Also, individuals such as Caesar and Augustus helped Rome retain its power and remain an empire. Question 3 Roman women are depicted as individuals that can easily become unfaithful. When looking for a good woman, one needs to look out for loyalty, reasonability, generosity, and the pursuit of justice. The characteristics of the Roman women show that a woman's gender role can involve going out to defend the family and still nurture the home at the same time. The double standard is evident when women are praised and criticized simultaneously. Juvenal states that the cause of women's corruption is their mothers, who teach them how to strip their husbands bare and reply to their seducers. Women are portrayed as individuals who are not loyal, and these stereotypes persist in some communities today. The Greek women are different since they are loyal and care for their homes. Question 4 Late antiquity was a historical period when the leadership of Rome shifted as the empire became characterized by modernized values. The Roman Empire gradually transitioned into different kingdoms (Medieval Europe Timeline (500-1500 CE), n.d., p. 1). The decline and transition were caused by the diminishing economy in the region and the quest for power from different leaders. The tetrarchy plan involved dividing Rome into four regions and having four leaders rule each region. When leaders came into power, each w...
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