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Confucianism, Communism, and the Status of Women in China

Essay Instructions:

Please answer both of the following questions in concise and well-reasoned essays of approximately three pages per question (approximately 750 words). Each response should present a coherent argument that makes judicious use of assigned readings and material presented in class. References to the readings should be informally but properly cited (for example: Schoppa, p. 39), and no use of other than assigned readings is permitted. Please cite lecture by title of lecture and date (available on our syllabus). In the case of Blackboard readings, cite by title and page number if available.  For each of these questions, we are interested in your personal views. But you must be certain to support your views with evidence from lectures and class readings. 

GENERAL ADVICE ON HOW TO DO WELL: Please take this advice seriously and you will do well. When we grade your essays we will be asking ourselves one big question: To what extent has this student profited from readings, lectures, and class discussions? This does not mean you need to cite every possible reading that could apply to a particular question, or every remark made in class. Instead, it means you need to be selective, marshaling evidence to write a convincing argument. The questions can be approached in different ways, and we certainly don’t have one correct answer in mind for each.

QUESTION ONE:  Confucianism and Communism as Guiding Ideologies

At various times, Modern China was underpinned by two dramatically opposing ideologies:  Confucianism and Communism.  Comparing and contrasting the role of these two ideologies in their respective governments and societies, in what ways can you argue that Confucianism and Communism were related or similar, either in theory or in practice?  This is a big question, so you should focus on some particular points or ideas.  

QUESTION TWO:  The Status of Women in China from Chen Yün to Anchee Min

In our readings, lectures, and class discussions this semester we encountered a large number of women, from Chen Yün, to Guan Ling-ling, to the female characters of Lu Xun’s stories, to Anchee Min.  Looking at these accounts, what argument can you make about the status of women in China, and about the major forces that shaped women’s lives?  Is the story of women in Chinese history one of unrelenting oppression? 


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History Paper
Institutional Affiliation
History Paper
The cult of Lei Feng can be described as an essential effect of the cult of impersonality. The cult of Mao and Feng are said to have been two faces of the same coin, although Mao had been sidelined in early 1960 from policy-making and political power.
The Little Red Book, also known as Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, is made up of approximately 267 aphorisms from the Chinese leader who led the communist party. The article covered a wide range of subjects such as "correcting mistake ideas,” class struggles, and the "mass line," which was a crucial principle of Mao Zedong ideology (May_fouth_movement_and_founding_of_CPP).
The rural strategy introduced by the Chinese Communist Party involved the revitalization of the rural areas and reinventing the countryside. The plan includes agricultural production integration of the rural market and rural finance.
Report from Xunwu was a result of investigations conducted by Mao Zedong in 1930 about the economy, people, history, and society, including the rural county of Xunwa in South China.
The Big Character Posters are written by hand and mounted on wall posters with the use of large-sized Chinese characters (or Lati characters. They are used as a way of protesting popular communication, and propaganda (Chan, 2003).
Mao Zedong’s swimming of the Yangzi River glorified in China ridiculed the issue. This occurred approximately 50 years ago when Mao made a “world-record breaking swim signaling the return of the Great Helmsman (May_fouth_movement_and_founding_of_CPP).
The First Five-Year Plan made by China (1953-57) was aimed at developing large-scale and rapid industrialization and economic growth, and it placed emphasis on the creation of heavy industries (iron manufacturing, mining, and steel manufacturing). This also included technology such as machine construction instead of relying on agriculture.
Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969) was a revolutionary theorist and politician from China. He played an essential role in implementing economic policies of reconstruction in China. Apart from being a president, he was also one of the most influential individuals in China.
When it comes to Redness and Expertise, expert and red were business and political issues, which involved reunification of two opposite pairs. A political attitude was criticized, and leaders opposed empty political promises and put emphasis on practical men. Therefore, leaders placed emphasis on the economy, technology and politics.
In China, “Save the Children” aims at saving children by providing them with a better lifestyle, educational opportunities, child protection, and offering humanitarian relief, and saving them from disaster risks (Chan, 2003).
Question One
Evidence indicates that Confucianism and Communism were related or similar since most of their policies tended to be similar. During imperial China, Confucianism was considered as one of the most dominant political philosophies in the country. Nevertheless, the influence of Confucianism started to decline during the 19th century and this coincided with the end of The Qing Dynasty in 1911. Some professionals in the country such as Lu Xun started to attack Confucianism and they argued that it was one of the main reasons affecting the ability of China to modernize. Nevertheless, Chan (2003) argues that by 1969, Communism was almost wiped out in provinces such as Guangdong since the Communism had virtually disappeared from the province. Furthermore, authorities have to rebuild wartime communism almost from scratch. Nevertheless, this argument is almost superficial since studies done by various professionals show that Communist activities were present in rural communities such as Hebei.
Scholars argue that “nothing of any significance” took place in rural China, until the invasion by Japan in 1937. Supporters such as Yuwei tried to modernize Confucianism and utilize it as a way of nationalizing China. Evidence indicates that anti- Confucianism fever reached its highest point during the 1960s ...
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