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Explain The Development Of American Foreign Policy Over Time

Essay Instructions:

Compare and contrast the two documents to explain the development of American foreign policy over time: did the most important motivations, justifications, and actions remain the same over time, or did they change? Explain, based on reasoning and examples presented in class lectures, readings, and recitation.


Focus on the most important consistencies/changes, and explain them rather than simply identifying them

Your goal is not to summarize the newspaper articles, but to use information about the motivations, justifications, and patterns of action from lecture, readings, and recitation to explain what you find in them.

Provide context for the documents by explaining the most relevant historical information required to understand them (i.e., if you choose an article about Cuba in 1898, your analysis should include an explanation of what was happening between the U.S. and Cuba in 1898; if you choose an article about Vietnam, your analysis should include an explanation of what was happening between the U.S. and Vietnam)

Use quotes and examples from the documents to support your points

Citations can be any consistent format. If you do not have a preferred style, the easiest may be to use Word’s “insert footnote” under the “references” tab, in the following format depending on the type of source:

Author’s last name, date, page number

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Development of American Foreign Policy over Time
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American foreign policy determines how the country relates with other countries specifically in attaining is political, economic, and international development goals. The American government seeks to assure the country’s security and defense while protecting and projecting the American national interest through shaping the foreign policies addressing issues relating to ideological and humanitarian concerns. The change in the reflection of national interest has resulted to change in the American foreign policies in favor of America as a nation. The development change of foreign policy in United State over time has been a process which involves different approaches that reflects the interest of the country with the shifting of the nation interest from the time of establishment of America as a nation up to the current time when the country is experiencing rapid growth in all developmental sectors as discussed herein.
At first, the United States was guided by the policy that called for nation isolation on their political agendas from the European powers. The country mainly remained independent during world peacetime period and maintained strict neutrality in the world war period. During this period, America focused on creating a nation that divided the world and avoided political engagement with other countries. The United States government aimed to protect the country’ boundaries and retain its internal sovereignty without international interferences. For instance, in Roosevelt’s Ringing letter of acceptance to the president, Governor Theodore Roosevelt quoted that the nation’s welfare of the nation takes a stake or priority. Under the prosperity as the great issue, the governor quoted, “the most important of all problems is, of course, that of securing good government and moral and material wellbeing within our borders” (Gov. Theodore Roosevelt, 1928). This indicates that the countries priority was to secure its bounders from external threats across other countries in the world.
However, in the 20th century, there was a change in the American foreign policy with priorities diverting to enhancing international relation in different aspects. At this period, America had become a minor imperial power, creating interest in political superiority across the world. In this case, America was in conflicts with Spain over territories like Cuba, Philippines, Hawaii, and other territories across the world. The change in the American foreign policy resulted to change in the national interest specifically in the enhancement of political superiority and expansion of the global market for the locally produced goods.
America emerged as the most economically powerful country on the earth after World War II which steered a dramatic revolution in the state’s foreign policy. United States founded the United Nations welfare, investing huge sum of money is assisting recovering of the affected European countries by the Second World War. Systems of alliances were established including the National Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which helped to establish peace across the affected countries. The major aim of the reviewed American foreign policy after World War II was the containment of the Soviet Union and communism. Engagement in the international affairs by the United States resulted in military, economic, and ideological competition with the Soviet Union and its allies.
The intention of change...
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