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Development of Clothing during the 17th And 18th Century

Essay Instructions:

Students are asked to review the differences and write a synopsis of no less than

six pages (both sides of three sheets) on the development of clothing during the Early 17th Century Cavalier/Baroque periods and throughout the 18th century (Early and Late), focusing on the impact that trade, new developments in the production of cloth and the ‘new ideas’ had on the beginning of fashion consumerism albeit limited to the upper and middle classes.

Students must provide historical references as covered during the lectures, together with names and terminology of actual garment pieces as worn in different parts of Europe. This is important – the more terminology proves you understand what the garments are for. You can also use drawings and pictures.

Students should also consider different cultural, political, religious and social influences during this period.

Students should also list their source of references; students should also list any quotes from articles and books. Students can also include drawings and pictures.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Development of Clothing during the 17th And 18th Century Name Institutional Affiliation Development of Clothing in the 17th And 18th Century Clothing and fashion during the early 17th century, the beginning of the 18th century and towards the end of the 18th century were marked by rapid change, and several factors influenced the kind of men and women’s clothing produced. The vanishing of ruff in favor of lace collars or broad linen characterized the fashion trend during the early 17th century Cavalier or the Baroque period. Within this period, waistlines for apparel in Western Europe increased for both women and men, while in other notable fashions there was a disappearance of stockings or hose in favor of breeches for men. Conversely, in the 18th century, men’s outfit were highly analogous to those worn in the 17th century. Well-to-do men put on the white cotton of linen shirts on their upper bodies, while satin knee breeches and silk horse were worn at the knee area with garters. This paper examines and reviews the differences in the development of clothing in the early 17th century and early and late 18th century. The Early 17th century The history of the fashion during the early 17th century was marked with the infamous ruff, which stood out during the beginning of the century. From the neck, it stood as a starched platter and increased to significant sizes before draping and loosening into a collar. The style was later replaced with a lace-trimmed, wide white collar for both women and men. Puffed sleeves that almost reached the wrists were paired with a shawl-like collar, and it made the shoulders to appear full and have a dropping appearance. The gowns exposed the wide bands of the neck and shoulders thus providing an essential display of jewellery. Lace-trimmed, wide white collar for both women and men Baroque fashion and clothing were marked by boisterous ornamentation, particularly when it comes to the attire worn by the middle and upper class. During the early 17th century, the English Civil war influenced male attire while women's attire portrayed wealth through ornamentation and not jewellery. France became a wealthy monarchy under Louis XIV leadership, making it Europe's cultural centre. The nobles usually defined the fashion trends, clothing was ostentatious and large, and designed to differentiate between the upper and lower classes. The preferred fabric during the baroque period was silk, and it was sometimes used with velvet. Inner layers of attires consisted of linen (Jaliao, 2018). Gowns were long dresses comprising close-fitting bodice, and women mostly wore them. Flexible stays replaced hard corsets that were common during the Renaissance period, and the silhouettes softened gradually. The low neckline was decorated with lace collars. Another fashion that was popular was virago sleeves, and they consisted of large strips of a variety of fabrics, which met at the elbow. Dark colors and elaborate patterns became famous, and a black cape was worn on top. A dark gown with lace collar and virago sleeves (Jaliao, 2018) A militaristic appearance was famous for men's clothing, and this consisted of a tight jacket referred to as a doublet. Two sides were raised while the lower centre part was pointed and the sleeves were paned which portrayed the undershirt. The cuffs or the lower edges of the sleeves, as well as the collars, were decorated by lace. Breeches were the lower sections, and they were not only loose, but they also went down to the under or knee. The balagny cloak was a cape or cloak that had a wide collar, and it was named after a military hero. Basques represented short tabs at bodices, and it is evident that the male doublets reached the waist. People wore the jackets that contained basques together with skirts instead of gowns (kipar.org, 2018). For women, canons wide flounces or ruffles that were attached below the bleeches, particularly the petticoat breeches. It looked like half half-stocking, which was at first narrow and long, then wider and decorated with lace and flounces. Lastly, cassocks were coats cut with wide, full sleeves throughout the body. This three-quarter attire ended at below or the ending at the thigh-height. The overcoat was unbelted, open-sided and it was usually covered with woven or braided ornament. Militaristic clothes Trade, new ideas, and modern production techniques transformed fashion techniques during the 17th century. Traders improved the quality of their fashion by increasing an abundance of pearls, ribbons, lace, and gold embroidery. There was a rapid change of the 17th century fashion, with the expanding middle class adopting the noble styles to look more refined (Abigail, 2012). Flexibility implied that clothes worn by women became less restricting and flexible attires replaced tightfitting and hard corsets. Stiff ruffs were replaced flowing lace collars. Decorative skirts were highly popular among the middle class. Decorative aprons (Abigail, 2012) A huge shift in culture and political stability took place in Franc and other parts of Europe, leading to the introduction of new fashion. The upper an...
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