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The Current State Of Political Affairs In Iran: Antisemitism In Iran

Essay Instructions:

TOPIC CHOSEN: Anti-semitism in Iran (overall question: Are Iranians anti-Semitic?) .(My idea is that they are anti-semitic, and that holocaust denial is the major reason behind anti-semitism there, please highlight why holocaust denial occurs etc)

Prepare a 500-700 word oral essay on a topic of your choosing related to the current state of political affairs in Iran. Your essay will be submitted in the form of a podcast and reviewed by other members of the class. The requirements:

- It is an essay and therefore should forward an opinion or argument on an issue that is current and relevant.

- A good topic is one that is controversial, or perhaps raises an issue that has not been in the public eye. The question you pose should be provocative; you want to entice people into listening.

- On the other hand, an argument is just noise unless it is supported by facts or convincing evidence, referenced by legitimate sources. An anecdote that describes a personal experience or observation that has relevance to the topic can also be effective. 

- You must directly reference at least three sources – authors, politicians, analysts, Iranian citizens, etc. as well as the medium in which you located their views – articles, books, documentaries, media sources, etc. 

- A perfectly legitimate approach is to discuss or review one opinion piece by conducting research into the claims of the author. 

- Please refer to the United states holocaust museum website

- http://www(dot)jewishvirtuallibrary(dot)org/jsource/anti-semitism/Antisemitism%20of%20the%20Iranian%20Establishment.pdf

- Other types of media sources: Al Jazeera, BBC, New York Times, Globe and Mail, Washington Post, Guardian, Reuters, Economist, The Atlantic

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Antisemitism in Iran
Institutional Affiliation
Anti-Semitism has been evident in the Middle East with the state majority being Muslims. Iran is no excuse on anti-Semitism concerns which not only stems from individuals but bears a political arm. Thus, the question on why Iranians are anti-Semitic. Bastani’s article on BBC News in 2014 indicated that Iranians were least anti-Semitic people in the Mid-East in accordance to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) polls CITATION Hos14 \l 1033 (Bastani, 2014). ADL reported that Iranian respondents scored 56%, the lowest on negative views in regard to Jewish people. This report raises the question as to whether Iranians are anti-Semitic. However, the article criticizes the polls’ ruling by indicating that Iran’s state-run media networks downplay the Holocaust scale as widely used by Jews. Antisemitism ideologies run in films, political cartoons, government websites, book affairs and news articles in Iran. Moreover, the president accused Jewish of exaggerating the Holocaust to gain international sympathy and causing major world problems.
The major cause of anti-Semitism in Iran is its Holocaust denial. According to Iranians, the Holocaust was a scam and not as Israel’s worst tragedy as purported by the Jewish as an event aimed at demolishing the Jewish state’s legitimacy CITATION Mei06 \l 1033 (Litvak, 2006). The denial for the Holocaust as the world’s disastrous act against humanity by Iranians exist due to the state’s support for terrorism. The Holocaust led to the death of over six million Jewish people, almost wiping out the Jewish tribe. Moreover, Iran has been on the forefront on nuclear weapon development. Iran has an official policy constituted by state institutions and sponsored to support antisemitism. The country is also deeply rooted in Islamic (religious grounds) religion that does not recognize the existence of the Jewish race based on religious beliefs.
The denial for the Holocaust exist as a way of delegitimizing the Israel’s right of existence. According to the Iranian view, the Holocaust inci...
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