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Challenges to the Parent-Child Relationship Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

First Essay Assignment

Challenges to the Parent-Child Relationship

In the idealized vision of Chinese society presented in Confucianism, the parent-child relationship was considered paramount in society. The obedience a child owed to his or her parents was considered the fundamental bond that kept the family in order. And a well-ordered family was the basis of a well-ordered state and society. From what you have learned about the Qing dynasty—from your readings, lecture, and discussion—choose one (or two, related) challenges posed to this relationship, and discuss, offering a careful analysis and an argument. Please consider the wide range of our readings in finding evidence to support your argument.

Your task in this paper is not to catalog all the relationships we have read about or discussed, nor is it to try to include every possible challenge to the parent-child relationship. Instead, it is to craft a coherent argument in which you pursue a careful line of reasoning. Your essay should be approximately 1200 words in length (about five pages).

Your essay will be judged by the extent to which:
You offer a sound and convincing argument;
You demonstrate careful reading of the sources;
You include ideas from lecture and other assigned readings as appropriate;
You craft a well-written and well-constructed essay;
You demonstrate understanding of the history presented thus far in class;
You are able to write a paper that is free of careless errors.

Please be certain to cite the readings you use. Your citation format can be informal, but it should cite the reading and page number. For example, (Six Records, p. 25). No use of other than assigned readings is permitted. Do not use sources from the Internet. Please be careful to guard against plagiarism and other forms of cheating. If you have questions please contact me

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Parent-Child Relationships
The society is made up of the various family units and the values that they hold. From the various practices that are held at the family level, this develops into a culture that then guides and becomes the identity of the society in general. Where certain group of people share the same practices, they become a community with shared practices and values. It is this values that then shape the identity of the entire country based on the various experiences and concept that are driven beyond the community levels. The most important part that has a profound impact on the society and by large the entire country is the relationship that is shared between a child and the parents (Chapter 6 of A Floating Life, n.d.). The various relationship elements that are found in the society and the world at large relative to the way that people interact comes from the very basic relationship that the parents had with their child. It is this relationship that shapes the child’s outlook towards the society and life in general. It is also this relationship that shapes aspects such as character, values, beliefs, and even their life philosophies. It is from the relationships that they have with their parents that children are then able to interact with the world around them such as other children, other students in college, other students, other colleagues at work, business partners and even their marriage partners and eventually their children. The challenges that, parents have with their child are amplified in their character when they grow up, especially where the parents are hostile.
The relationship that is shared between the parents is the first cue to the relationship that the parents are going to have with their children. It is crucial for the parents to note that, the child is very observant growing up (Chapter 6 of A Floating Life, n.d.). As such, they are going to be observing and internalizing what their parents are doing and how they treat one another, before they even come to the child. If there is a level of hostility that exists between the parents, it does not matter how well they try to hide it from the child, it is going to affect the child. Ideally the child is going to feel as though they are the cause of the quarrels between the two sides. The relationship that the parents have as such, is going to determine the relationship the child has with the parents. It is also going to affect the child in more ways than one.
This also connects to the ability to connect with the child emotionally. Providing for the child and giving them the best of gifts is not comparable to the emotional support that the child expects or has grown to expect. No child wants to see their parents fighting or arguing all the time. It is important that parents are able to control their tempers when they are the presence of the child regardless of how small the child is (Chapter 6 of A Floating Life, n.d.). There is an assumption that toddlers or even infants are not affected by parents chronic fighting. However, this is not true as they are also affected by the chronic fighting between the parents. This is relative to the fact that, the relationship that is founded...
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