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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Weight Training Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

The article reviews will be 1 FULL page in length (12pt. font, single spaced – not double spaced). The subject of the article must be something directly related to weight training, and ideally something in which you have an interest. Examples: different types of training, dietary/weight gain supplements, trends in weight training. Please include a photo copy of your article with the review.

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Weight Training
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Weight Training
Weight or strength training enables individuals to improve their skeletal muscles. Indeed, it involves increasing muscular endurance, size, and strength. In the digital era, weight training has become critical to helping people improve their health since the majority of individuals work for long hours while seated. As such, for one to remain physically fit, a person should engage in weight training, which can be done at home. Jordan Metzl and Karen Barrow portray how weight or strength training can be performed in nine minutes at homes and how it facilitates improved performance, mobility, flexibility, and reduces the risk of injuries.
Push-ups, bodyweight squats, and mountain climbers are the first set of weight training. The exercise involves the glutes and legs, which have the most powerful muscles. Squats are hard on one’s knees but when done regularly can improve a person’s ability to move. Push-ups improve the strength of an individual’s muscles in the chest and shoulders (Metzl & Barrow, 2020). Many bodybuilders do not miss this exercise. The best thing about push-ups is that one can modify them by putting weight on the back or changing the position of the arms. If normal push-ups become easy for a person, one can put his or her legs on a block, hence increasing the intensity. Mountain climbers mimic the motion of an individual climbing steep peaks. They strengthen the arms, legs, and back muscles.
Another important set of weight training exercises comprise of a single-leg hip raise, bodyweight split squat, and plank. Plank builds muscles in one’s arms, legs, core, and shoulders. Additionally, it tones a person’s abs, strengthens the upper body, back, and abdominal muscles. Bodyweight split squat targets the hamstring and quadriceps leg muscles. This exercise contributes to a plyometric boost and improves...
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