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Analysis Paper on Women and Harassment. Woman' Health.

Essay Instructions:

Analysis Paper on Women and Harassment

Choose an example of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can occur in the home, the workplace, or in any other setting. You can find an example in the news, a blog, or other media source, such as a movie or book.

1. Explain how the example demonstrates sexual harassment. Include the source where the sexual harassment was found in your report.

2. Who is affected by the example of sexual harassment? Is there a specific age group? Are other groups affected as well?

3. Conduct a small focus group of friends or family to solicit their reactions to this example of sexual harassment. Consider asking different age groups. Then, discuss the message portrayed by the example you have chosen.

4. Discuss how sexual harassment could affect women’s health. Make sure to address the specific type of sexual harassment that you’re exploring in your paper.

5. How should regulations be applied to this example of sexual harassment? Consider a company’s policies (you may use where you work, if applicable), municipal laws, and/or state laws. Offer some suggestions of how the issue could be resolved.

6. Using any tool at your disposal, respond to this example of sexual harassment and why you are concerned that it is occurring. For example, you can create a blog post or magazine article that may include photos within text; write a letter to the editor, a responsible agency, company, or person explaining the current recommended standards for appropriate treatment of women; or write a recommendation for community resources in a letter written to a community representative. Do not write that you are doing this as an assignment, as it detracts from the sound of your intent. Your blog post, magazine article, or letter should be 250 to 550 words (1 to 2 pages) in length.

As an example, consider the treatment of women by those in power, such as Harvey Weinstein. For some time, it may have been the norm to expect sexual favors for a favorable job or post. You can also consider sexual favors for reduced cost of goods or being fired for declining advances by a superior. Recently made public, this type of harassment is no longer acceptable and may be the focus of your paper.


Your paper must:

* Be 750 to 1375 words (3 to 5 pages) in length, not including the title page, references page, or your response for the sixth task.

* Include at least two scholarly references to support your discussion.

* Be written in APA style format.

* Be grammatically correct and free of mechanical errors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Woman' Health
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Institutional Affiliation

Woman' Health
Over the years, there has been a high prevalence in the cases of sexual harassment in workplaces, especially against women. Sexual harassment in the workplace entails using discriminative comments, conduct, or behavior towards a person based on their sex, gender, or sexual orientation. The movie 'North Country (2005)' is a perfect example of a media source that has highlighted sexual harassment against women in workplaces. The film focuses on how a group of female workers working in a mining company has to endure discrimination and harassment from their male co-workers and bosses during their daily activities. The film seeks to depict how workplaces are characterized by men picking on women during their day-to-day workplace encounters. The film ends with the main character (Joey) filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against the mining company CEO (Pearson). In essence, the film is inspired by the book "Class Action: The Landmark Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law by Clara Bingham and Laura Leedy."
In the movie 'North Country (2005)', women are the primary victims of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. The main character is Joey, a single mom who leaves her husband for being subjected to domestic violence. She later joins an iron ore mining company, where the number of male workers is high compared to women. One of the first instances of harassment is that all women have to undergo a humiliating gynecological test to ensure they are not pregnant before being hired. More so, women workers are harassed by their male counterparts who believe that a 'woman's place is home, not mines.' The women are also subjected to crude sexual advances by male workers. They are also other sexual harassment such as finding sex toys in the lunch boxes, finding humiliating names written on their bathrooms, and physical abuse, among others.
I discussed sexual harassment in the workplace with seven friends (three men and four women), all of who are young people, except one in her 40s. The three male friends did acknowledge the presence of sexual harassment in workplaces but seemed to underestimate its prevalence. They insisted that women tend to twist their narratives to favor them. On the other hand, my female friends were adamant that sexual harassment is a huge challenge for female workers across all sectors. One of them is a nurse and went to the extent of stating that she has faced sexual advances from male co-workers, supervisors, and even patients.
In essence, sexual harassment is an issue that could have effects on women's health. According to McLaughlin, Uggen, and Blackstone (2017), various studies have associated cases of sexual harassment with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Women who are sexually harassed may experience trauma and may tend to avoid people or situations that remind them of the events of the harassment. Sexual harassment may also trigger...
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