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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Complete the questions. You will need youtube for the videos.

Essay Instructions:

Complete the questions. You will need youtube for the videos. The anwers does not have to be long or drawn out. Straight to the point.

Chapter 10

7. Come up with 5 ways to fight Obesity?

8. What do you believe your metabolic rate depends on?

9. What are 3 classifications of eating disorders?

10. List several weight loss gimmicks?

11. What are some requirements to change your weight?

Chapter 14

1. Describe the modern profile of America’s aging population

2. Which factors are enhancing health during advanced years currently?

3. What are some safety issues involving the elderly today?

4. What are some characteristics of people aging?

5. What were some aiding factors in life expectancy increase?

6. What are three ways gerontologists determine age?

7. Which diseases and conditions are common within the elderly?

8. Why are elderly people more prone to accidents?

9. How can people counteract the ill effects of aging?

Chapter 15

1. What are some ways you can be a smart health consumer?

2. What types of home health tests can you take to assist you in staying healthy?

3. What is the difference between Orthodox medicine and Integrative medicine?

4. Aside from your primary health care physicians, who are some other health professional practitioners that can assist you?

From the Immortal Cells of Heniretta Lacks- found on youtube

1. What are the trillions upon trillions of lab grown cells called harvested from Henrietta Lacks?

2. Why were these cells given than specific name?

3. What happened to all other cells researchers tried to grow before 1951?

Can we eat to starve cancer TED talk- William Li (you only need first 5min 30sec to answer questions)

1. What is this angiogenesis William refers to repeatedly?

2. According to Li, how far can blood vessels stretch in a typical adult?

3. What happens when angiogenesis is out of balance?

Inspirational Video "A king and his 4 wives."- Found on Youtube

1. What does the 4th wife represent?

2. What does the 3rd wife represent?

3. What does the 2nd wife represent?

4. What does the 1st wife represent?

Let's end ageism Ted Talk- Ashton Applewhite_ Found on Youtube

1. What is ageism?

2. Within the first 2 minutes of the talk how did Applewhite describe “isms?”

3. From about 3min 20sec to 3min 30sec how far did Applewhite say ages in a nursing home can span?

4. From minute 9 to the end of the presentation please provide a minimum of a paragraph summary of what you gained from Applewhite’s closing statements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 10
7. Come up with 5 ways to fight Obesity?
* Making healthier choices and eating a balanced diet you can reduce your calorie intake and reduce the threat of obesity.
* Avoid unhealthy and sugar-laden drinks
* Try to make physical activity part of your daily routine.
* Learn about and understand your eating habits
* Weight loss treatment or surgery
8. What do you believe your metabolic rate depends on?
* Age, body size, muscle, gender, genetics, physical activity, environmental factors, drugs
9. What are 3 classifications of eating disorders?
* Anorexia Nervosa
* Bulimia Nervosa
* Binge Eating Disorder
10. List several weight loss gimmicks?
* Taking Diet Creams
* Engaging in 7-Minute Workout
* Detox and Weight Loss Teas
* Drinking Juice Cleanses
* Taking the Obalon Balloon Pil
* Taking Diet Pills
* No-Carb Die
11. What are some requirements to change your weight?
* To keep your weight the same, you need to burn the same number of calories as you eat and drink.
* To lose weight, burn more calories than you eat and drink.
* To gain weight, burn fewer calories than you eat and drink.
Chapter 14
1. Describe the modern profile of America’s aging population
* Obesity rates among adults ages 60 and older have been increasing, standing at about 41 percent in 2015-2016
* Education levels are increasing. Among people ages 65 and older in 1965, only 5 percent had completed a bachelor’s degree or more. By 2018, this share had risen to 29 percent
* Average U.S. life expectancy increased from 68 years in 1950 to 78.6 years in 2017, in large part due to the reduction in mortality at older ages. 
* The gender gap in life expectancy is narrowing. In 1990, a seven-year gap in life expectancy existed between men and women. By 2017, this gap had narrowed to five years (76.1 years versus 81.1 years).
* The poverty rate for Americans ages 65 and older has dropped sharply during the past 50 years, from nearly 30 percent in 1966 to 9 percent today
* More older adults are divorced compared with previous generations. The share of divorced women ages 65 and older increased from 3 percent in 1980 to 14 percent in 2018, and for men from 4 percent to 11 percent during the same period
2. Which factors are enhancing health during advanced years currently?
* Exercise on a daily basis.
* Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle and make adjustments for any changes in your function (e.g., hearing, vision, flexibility or strength).
* Engaging in routine preventive health behaviors (e.g., get immunizations for flu and pneumonia).
3. What are some safety issues involving the elderly today?
* Slips and Falls: Slips and falls are the main cause of injury in a home, and the complications that can result are usually much worse than a scrape or a bruise
* Fires: Fires are one of the primary safety issues for the elderly. They may be deadly, but thankfully, there are many ways to prevent, put out, and escape from their wrath.
* Electric Shock: A very real safety issue for the elderly that we don’t often give much thought to is electric shock
* Medicine and accidental poisoning: Mixing up prescription medicines can be deadly.
* Improper Lighting: A very simple-to-fix safety issue for the elderly is improper lighting.
4. What are some characteristics of people aging?
* morbidity or invalidism increases markedly
* survival curves show a rapid decline, and accident proneness increases.
* Marked alterations in functions must be expected; for example, increasing difficulty in the dark, increasing liability to falls, increasing deaths from falls,
* increasing reduction of mobility long before any real infirmity may arise.
* A whole range of psychological performance tests shows evidence of deterioration; for example, in the accuracy of judgment,
* Paced tasks are extremely difficult for the elderly, especially when the pacing is combined with continuous bodily activity or movement or muscular work
* There is slowing of sensory processes and central control, of psychological and somatic adjustment reactions, and of the perceptual organization of incoming stimuli within the central nervous system
5. What were some aiding factors in life expectancy increase?
* Education Higher education levels are linked to higher socio-economic status, and both are linked to improved longevity, according to Hall and Peterson.
* Socio-economic status As socio-economic status decreases, so does life expectancy, according to the IFA.
* Marital status Married people have lower mortality rates than those who were never married, are divorced, or are widowed, according to IFA.
* Lifestyle Historically, lifestyle factors that affect mortality include an unhealthy diet, inadequate exercise, tobacco use, excessive use of alcohol, risky behaviors, food safety, workplace safety, and motor ve...
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