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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Thoughts and Feelings on the News about Sexually Transmitted Infections

Essay Instructions:


Sex is everywhere in the media, including the news! Many of the topics covered in this course are being challenged, debated, and changed each and every day. After covering a variety of topics in this course, it is imperative that you use your new knowledge to identify and critically analyze these issues and how they impact you and our society.

Assignment Submission

As stated in the syllabus: There are no makeup assignments. Late, incomplete or incorrectly submitted assignments will not be accepted.

Only completed submissions will be graded. Incomplete assignments will receive a zero.

Academic Integrity

Do not copy and paste any material from the resources’ websites! All responses must be original.

All answers should be original to the student submitting the assignment. Copying and group work is not permitted.

Refer to the course syllabus regarding guidelines on academic integrity and penalties of plagiarism.


First, locate an online article about a sexually-related topic that we have covered in this course. The article could be about any topic that was covered explicitly in class or is related to human sexuality, sexual health, sexual rights, laws, politics, viewpoints, cultures, etc….. It usually isn’t too hard to find an article that is related to one of the topics examined in this course.

Next, the article must be from the popular press (not an academic journal). The sources could be a newspaper, a news outlet, or a news magazine. Be sure it is not a source that requires a subscription to access. Please use the following criteria:

The article must have been published within the previous 3 months

The article must be accessible without a subscription

The hyperlink (URL) provided must work. If I cannot access the article you will receive a zero on the assignment! Please double- and triple-check that the link works!

Once you locate and read your article, provide the following criteria:

1. Please provide the APA format citation of your article (i.e. author, title, date, source). In an APA citation you are to provide the full URL (hyperlink) to the article. If you are not familiar with APA format, here is a website that can help: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/10/.

2. Provide a thorough summary of your article in 2-3 paragraphs.

3. Lastly provide your thoughts and feeling regarding the topic. Please use the knowledge you have acquired in this course to synthesize, support, and illustrate your opinions. Be thorough but concise (2-3 paragraphs are sufficient to respond to this question).

**Your assignment responses must be numbered to illustrate which criteria from above (i.e. 1,2,3) you are replying to.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sex in the News
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Course Name and Number
Due Date
Sex in the News
APA Citation
Kramer, J. (2022, January 26). Rates of sexually transmitted infections likely rose during the pandemic. National Geographic.  HYPERLINK "/science/article/rates-of-sexually-transmitted-infections-likely-rose-during-the-pandemic" /science/article/rates-of-sexually-transmitted-infections-likely-rose-during-the-pandemic
The article by Kramer (2022) indicates that many individuals remained at home due to stay-at-home orders and apprehension over COVID-19 for most of 2020, preventing them from meeting new people and establishing new connections. As a result, he further states that various studies reveal the number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States might soar in the coming years (Kramer, 2022). An essential worry is that the pandemic has resulted in a significant decrease in testing for sexually transmitted illnesses such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia during the last two years. The article indicates that individuals should be screened to identify any cases of sexually transmitted infections to avoid spreading these diseases across the community. This concern arises because chlamydia and gonorrhea can manifest themselves without creating any visible signs or symptoms.
While some clinics used to screen for sexually transmitted infections, the health workers of those medical facilities became transferred to assist with coronavirus testing and contact tracing in the early months of the pandemic. They closed their health facilities due to their busy schedules. Statistics from the National Coalition of STD Directors presented by the writer in the article indicate that 83% of sexually transmitted infections programs in the United States were delaying services, and 66% reported a decrease in testing by May 2020 (Kramer, 2022). Based on the study, one of every five sexually transmitted infections programs will b...
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