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The Critical Decision-Making and Organizational Performance

Essay Instructions:

View the scenario called "Critical Decision Making for Providers" found in the Allied Health Community media.
In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, examine the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and discuss the following:
Discuss the consequences of a failure to report.
Explain the impact his decision had on patient safety and organizational performance (risk for litigation, organization's quality metrics, workload of other hospital departments, etc.).
As Mike's manager, describe how you would address the issue with him and steps you would take to ensure other staff members do not repeat the same kind of mistake.
Reflect on the scenario and describe what underlying aspects or issues may be contributing to workplace dilemmas such as this.
Consider the manner in which most health care organizations function (structure, people, technology, environment). As a leader, discuss what principles of organizational behavior and development can be applied to effectively contribute to the success of a health care organization. How could these principles be applied to this scenario?
A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Decision-Making and Organizational Performance
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Critical Decision-Making and Organizational Performance
The consequence of the employee's decision on patient care, legal risk, organizational quality measures, and the burden of other clinical departments is explored in detail. The influence of an employee's decision on patient safety, lawsuit risk, organizational quality measures, and the burden of other healthcare organizations is outlined. There are a few minor errors or omissions. The health care system employs many people with a variety of talents and skillsets (Garuma et al., 2020). Regardless, we are all responsible for keeping patients and family members safe while in our healthcare institutions. This project focuses on health care providers' critical decisions and the consequences of those decisions. This writer will illustrate this point with a scenario titled "Critical Decision Making for Providers," in which an employee is faced with a dilemma that requires him to make decisions that will either protect or put others in danger.
The healthcare system is growing more sophisticated, which means that the duties of numerous healthcare workers, such as nurses and other experts, are expanding. As a result, healthcare workers must develop critical decision-making abilities to critically evaluate clinical processes and make sensible conclusions. In a traditional healthcare system, healthcare practitioners are often expected to follow procedures and obey supervisors, managers, and department heads without inquiry. In today's healthcare professionals, clinical decision-making and problem-solving are required, and clinicians and other practitioners should use analytical reasoning to assess all activities and processes to make sound decisions rationally (Borkowski & Meese, 2020). By examining a case scenario featuring Mike, a lab worker in a healthcare facility, this research examines decision-making in crucial situations in healthcare settings.
Mike, the medical technician in the medical center, is reportedly late for work owing to an accident he encountered on his way there. Shortly after arriving at work, he saw a spill on the floor in one of the facility's lobbies. He was torn between reporting and addressing the spills and rushing to his boss at the workplace since his supervisor had already told him that he risked losing his job due to his constant lateness (Garuma et al., 2020). As the primary breadwinner in his home, he desperately needed to support his wife and newborn child.
Mike is a lab worker who is known for arriving late to the office. Mike's manager told him the last time he was late that he might lose his job if he was late again. Mike is getting late once again, and upon entering the premises, he notices a spill on the floor. He must choose between clocking in on time by ignoring the spill and believing that someone else will clean it up or clocking in late by safely monitoring the spill. Mike is stressed not just by the possibility of losing his work but also by the fact that he is the sole breadwinner for his wife and child. In this task, different scenarios are offered. The first scenario depicts Mike making the correct option by stopping to protect the spill while informing his manager of his presence and why he is late. Mike passes the spill to someone else, so he reports work on time in the second circumstance. Mike later learns that a woman stumbled in the lobby and shattered her hip in the puddle he failed to protect (Gravina et al., 2018). Mike now faces a new challenge: telling his boss about the events that led to the patient's hospitalization. Making the appropriate judgments the first time is more advantageous in this case.
Failure to notify and remediate the leak might have several consequences. Spills on the floor are significant risk factors for falls, resulting in serious injuries or even loss of life for patients and personnel at the hospital. Suppose a member of staff is hurt after falling. In that case, this might result in increased healthcare expenditures due to exte...
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