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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Discussion: QI: External and Internal Customers Health, Medicine Essay

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Discussion: QI: External and Internal Customers

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2011), “the leader's role in promoting and developing quality improvement begins with creating and sustaining a personal and organizational focus on the needs of internal and external customers. Through actions, a leader demonstrates a clear commitment to the organizational mission, values, goals, and expectations that promote quality and performance excellence” (pg. 7).

For this discussion, identify external and internal customers and discuss why quality improvement should focus on customer needs.

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TD 2 435
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TD 2 435
Internal and external customers are all valuable to a business. Internal customers constitute employees and shareholders. Employees are the most active of internal customers. They are the point of contact between the organization and the external customer (Solomon, 2020). Therefore, it is essential to ensure good employee relations and afore, healthy organizational culture to keep employees performing at their best. Shareholders are also as significant but less active. Without shareholders, an organization's foundations could crumble. Therefore, it is also essential to maintain shareholders' trust and confidence to keep an organization running. External customers are the valued consumer. Without the external customer, there is no revenue or reason to keep a business (Solomon, 2020). This paper explores internal and external customers in the healthcare sector and why quality improvement should focus on customer needs.
In the healthcare sector, internal customers include medical professionals, shareholders, and other stakeholders. Medical professionals ensure that patients are treated and that their health and well-being are maintained (Hinson et al., 2020). As internal customers, medical professionals play the most significant role in the healthcare sector. Healthcare organizations and institutions invest significant amounts of resources in training and educating medical professionals. The intended goal being; to produce competent and adaptive professionals. Medical professionals are also expected to stay updated with current research to better inform their practice (Hinson et al., 2020). All this contributes to the delivery of quality healthcare services to the external customer.
Shareholders finance healthcare activities. Shareholders include the public, non-profit organizations, and international organizations. The goal of shareholders is to ensure the provision of quality healthcare services. Also, a majority of shareholders are external customers. Therefore, in a bid to ensure that they receive quality care, shareholders invest in healthcare organizations.
Stakeholders supplement the healthcare sector with added resources. Also, they monitor the healthcare sector, formulate laws, and enforce them. Stakeholders in healthcare include the government, suppliers, the local community, and regulators (Hinson et al., 2020). Suppl...
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