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Quality Improvement Strategies: Deming Cycle (PDSA), Six Sigma, and Lean

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 - Case


Assignment Overview

Quality is an immense part of a healthcare organization’s mission and vision. The overall health of a healthcare organization depends on sustaining a high level of quality. As a healthcare professional, part of your multifaceted role is to enhance healthcare quality improvement strategies, assessment, and outcomes.

Case Assignment

Dr. Hughes has outlined five quality improvement strategies (3-2 through 3-8):

Using the chart below, compare and contrast the following five quality improvement strategies: (1) PDSA, (2) Six Sigma, (3) Toyota/Lean Production System, (4) Root Cause Analysis, and (5) Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. Identify at least one advantage and one disadvantage for each strategy.

For each entry, your response should be detailed and written in complete sentences.


QI Strategy Overview





Six Sigma



Production System


Root Cause



Failure Modes and

Effects Analysis


Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your comparison.

  2. Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 2-3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

  3. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

  4. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/webresources.
    This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quality Improvement Strategies
Student's Name
Quality Improvement Strategies

QI Strategy Overview




PDSA is also referred to as the Deming cycle, and its primary focus is the continuous improvement of a process or a product (Crowfoot & Prasad, 2017). PDSA seeks to establish a causal or functional link between changes in processes and outcomes (Hughes, 2008).

PDSA is considered an effective data collection method because it collects just enough data for future cycles (Crowfoot & Prasad, 2017).
PDSA cycle is also characterized by an iterative nature that reduces resistance during change implementation (Crowfoot & Prasad, 2017).

A key disadvantage of the strategy lies in execution. According to Crowfoot and Prasad (2017), it isn't easy to execute it authentically.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a QI strategy that involves the improvement, design, and monitoring of a process to reduce or do away with waste while at the same time enhancing satisfaction and boosting financial stability (Hughes, 2008). This model has similarities with the PDSA. The PDSA's plan phase resembles Six Sigma's definition of core processes, customer requirements, and key customers.

Six Sigma is characterized by a data-driven methodology, which means accuracy and objectivity (Antony, 2012).
Also, there is a huge amount of literature to support its implementation.

Its implementation requires huge investment, which can be costly to a healthcare organization. (Antony, 2012)
The attainment of goals requires long-term and sustained commitment from members of an organization.

Production System

While there is an overlap between Lean and Six Sigma, the former is primarily driven by customer needs identification. Lean seeks to improve processes through the elimination of non-value-added activities. As noted by Hughes (2008), the model's steps aim to maximize value-added activities in an optimal sequence to allow continuity of operations.

It increases the effectiveness of patient care while at the same time reducing costs. Implementing the Lean system in healthcare is associated with a better quality of healthcare and improved patient safety (Hughes, 2008).

The strategy is characterized by a lack of focus on human capital, which according to Mishra and Chakraborty (2014), has limited its implementation success by organizations.

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