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SLP2 435 ASSESSMENT TEAM Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 - SLP


Outcome measures (mortality, readmission, patient experience, etc.) are the quality and cost targets healthcare organizations are trying to improve. There are a vast array of outcome measures, likely in the hundreds. However, the seven outcome measures the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2016) uses to calculate hospital quality are some of the most common in healthcare: (1) general information, (2) survey of patients' experiences, (3) timely & effective care, (4) complications, (5) readmissions & deaths, (6) use of medical imaging, and (7) payment & value of care. Outcome assessments are tools used for collection and analysis of evidence about the achievement/attainment of a certain measure for the purposes of improvement and to determine or demonstrate its effectiveness.

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2016). Hospital compare. Retrieved from https://www(dot)cms(dot)gov/medicare/quality-initiatives-patient-assessment-instruments/hospitalqualityinits/hospitalcompare.html

You have been selected to be a part of the Assessment Team at Trident International Hospital (TIH). TIH has recently remodeled and restructured the emergency room (ER) department. The team will be conducting a quality assessment to see if wait time in the ER has been reduced as a result of the changes. As part of the preliminary development of the assessment process, you have been asked to research and provide two outcome assessment tools that can be used as a part of this process.

In a 5 page essay, explain the two tools that were selected, identify why they would be beneficial to use in the assessment process, and describe how the tools would be ideal in demonstrating whether or not wait time has been impacted based on the changes. In addition, discuss the reliability and accuracy of each selected tool.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your training.

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 2-3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assessment Team
Course code:
Assessment Team
Quality healthcare is the degree to which healthcare professionals increase the likelihood of a positive patient outcome. Hospitals are investing heavily to improve healthcare quality, such as implementing outcome measures that cover mortality, readmission, and patient experience. This essay summarizes an assessment conducted by the Trident International Hospital to find out if the outcome measures reduce wait time in the emergency room.
An assessment team was in charge of conducting the assessment to see if the ER's wait time was reduced due to the outcome measures. To achieve this, they used self-reported and observer-reported measures to come up with a compelling argument. The first outcome assessment tool is self-reported measures, which require the respondents to respond directly to their own experiences. For instance, common attitudes like Thur-stone scales, Likert scales, and semantic differentials are self-reports. Consequently, this assessment tool was used to measure patients' attitudes regarding the waiting time in the ER.
This type of measurement tool is beneficial because it is a relatively simple way to collect data. Data collection was done through interviews and administering questionnaires, which are a low-cost means of getting information. The data involved personal admissions by Trident International Hospital's patients about their experiences in the emergency room. The average ER waiting time in the United States is 40 minutes. With more than 22 million visits, 16% of them involved more than an hour of wait time, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2017 CITATION Eri201 \l 1033 (Blakemore, 2020). Patients who have experienced the average wait time or longer gave reasons why they feel stressed, anxious, and not in control of the situation. The research method is also beneficial in collecting data that cannot be observed or are considered unethical for laboratory simulation. This may include behavior patterns that are done in private and can be considered embarrassing. The only way of accessing this mental event is if the individual reported on the variables. For instance, questions that can trigger post-traumatic memories to previous events were conducted after the patient consent to being comfortable discussing them.
The second assessment tool used is the observer-reported measure, a measurement based on a report of observable signs, events, or behaviors. In this case, the observation is done by someone other than the patients and or healthcare professionals. This tool was used to collect data when it was impossible to collect valid and reliable self-reporting data from the patients and healthcare professionals.
The assessment team thought it is important to have different perspectives when conducting the assessment. The use of observer-reported measures reduces the instances of bias and provides a new perspective to the study. Being in a hospital can be nerve-wracking and trigger anxious experiences. Therefore, patients who provide data might be biased regarding waiting time due to past experiences, even ones that did not happen at Trident International Hospital. Healthcare professionals might measure their performance speed differently based on their previous work experiences, which might cause them to adopt a bias. Therefore, the assessment team used the third party to observe Trident International Hospital's functioning and provide another perspective. Perspectives can be interchangeable. For instance, patients with chronic illnesses may give a different account to that of the caregivers. If the caregiving relationship is strained, the patient or caregiver might overstate the amount of pain the patient is experiencing. Therefore, the use of observer reported measures helped the team develop a more nuanced approach to determine if waiting time in TIH had reduced. Prolonged wait times have been associated with high morbidity, high mortality rate, and decreased patient satisfaction. However, with the ever-increasing attendance, aging population, complexity of diseases, physical and infrastructural limitations, it is becoming more difficult to reduce wait times in the ER CITATION Yuz18 \l 1033 (Shen & Lee, 2018). Most hospitals have...
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