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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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System Theory Approach: Open And General Systems

Essay Instructions:

Systems Theory

Give an example of a system in your organization and how system theory applies.

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System Theory Name Institution System Theory Systems theory approach has gained popularity in most sectors today including the health sector. System theory is about treating an organization as a system. This approach can be satisfied either by utilizing a closed or open system. However, most organizations are observed to utilize open. The open system is most favorite to many as it interacts with its environment through inputs and outputs as well as throughputs. Today general systems theory states that a system should not have functioning series in isolation however to appreciate the whole there is a need to appreciate the interrelations occurring amid these parts (Rice, 2013. As observed the spread use of the theory has grown in all disciplines from engineering to psychology. It works on the assumption that most people are striving to do good at work but they are influenced by diverse factors and effective management should not only consider these factor but also embrace them (Rice, 2013). Thus in...
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