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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Describe Legal Concern For Medical Administration

Essay Instructions:

Evaluate why prescribing, control, and administration of medications is a major area of legal concern for health care providers. What is the impact of medication errors to the patient and the health care provider? Discuss ways doctors make mistakes in prescribing medication. What kinds of errors do nurses make regarding the administration of medications? Review the documentary Chasing Zero and, in addition to conducting your own research, address the methods or practices that you feel would be most effective in reducing medication/prescribing errors. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

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Legal Concern for Medical Administration
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The prescription, control and the administration of drugs is an area of legal concern because providing a patient with the wrong prescription can result in a malpractice lawsuit. Therefore, to avoid such lawsuits, medical practitioners ought to be careful to ensure that they prescribe the correct dosage. As well, the pharmacist should be keen on filling the prescribed dosage. The wrong medication could result in the worsening of the patient's condition or in some cases, an overdose leads to death (Nanji, Patel, Shaikh, Seger & Bates, 2016). The medication errors can result in the health care providers facing lawsuits for having harmed or risked the life of the patient.
Doctors make mistakes in the prescription of medicine by prescribing the wrong medication. This cans also be done through the prescription of the wrong dosage. As well, miscommunication between the doctors and the nurses can result in a patient being given the wrong medicine. Nurses make errors in the administration of medication by their failure to document all the necessary information and not followin...
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