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Motivation for Learning and Practicing Medicine Public Health Service

Essay Instructions:


I want this Personal Comments Essay for my Medical School Application which has to be submitted to Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine.

Please Consider and write this Personal Comments Essay carefully. Since, many admissions committees place significant weight on this section.

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine

Personal Statement

DIRECTIONS: The following questions are your opportunity to communicate why you are interested in attending the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine— “America’s Medical School.” Our Admissions Committee will carefully consider your answers when making acceptance decisions. To be fair to all applicants, we ask that you adhere to the 1500-character limit. Do NOT repeat your AMCAS; if you are reapplying, please do NOT copy a previous essay.

1. Military and Public Health Medicine is a calling that is both rewarding and challenging. “America’s Medical School” is looking for the absolute best to serve all military and Public Health Service beneficiaries—service members, retirees, and family members. Please describe your motivation to learn and practice medicine with the U.S. military medical corps and/or the U.S. Public Health Service. (1500-character limit)

2. The F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine features a distinctive curriculum that meets all of the requirements for a high-quality medical degree AND prepares students to be high- performing officers in the medical corps of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force or Public Health Service. Please describe what in your research about our school and/or in your personal or family background attracts you to our institution’s unique mission and approach. (1500-character limit)

3. The F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine receives far more outstanding applications from potential students than we are able to admit in any given year. Our Admissions Committee likes to assemble classes of students with a diversity of backgrounds, skills, experiences and talents to care for our patients—many of whom have overcome impressive challenges while serving our country. Please describe a special quality or experience that will help you relate to our unique population and that will strengthen your class if admitted to “America’s Medical School.” (1500-character limit)

Please let me know how you can help me out to write this essay and what additional information/clarification you might needed.

Thank you.

Yalda Rawan

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Personal Statement
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Herbert School of MedicineJanuary, 2020To: F. Edward Herbert School of Medicine Admissions Committee
I am making an application to your graduate program “Regular Master Degree program for General Plastic Surgeon” starting January 2020. My career ambition is to become a Plastic surgeon doctor to fulfill the need for surgery services in the U.S. Military and also back in my home country Afghanistan. My specialty and program will eventually assist in providing the much-needed services for the people and those in special need. This meets all the requirements for a high-quality medical degree and prepares me to be a highly-performing officer in the medical corps of the Public Health Service.
My Motivation for learning and Practicing Medicine with the U.S. Public Health Service
My motivation to learn and practice medicine with the U.S. Military medical corps are the following: when I was in high school I learned about the first female pilot in Air force in Afghanistan via newsletter which motivated and attracted me to research more about her and to join the Air Force Academy in Afghanistan. After I discussed my desired wish with my family, I found out its very difficult for me as a female to achieve my destiny in Afghanistan environment due to the enforced and strict interpretation of sharia, or Islamic law and family cultures, girls and women are not allowed to participate in such kinds of activity. My parents advised me on the safety of the career owing to society’s response towards those who join Airforce in Afghanistan. They advised me to join medical field owing to the prospects involved, since I will have the chance of helping the poor female population who are never allowed to see male doctors.
Therefore, after my high school, I chose to attend a medical school back home for three years matriculation. Before, finishing my medical school, I met my husband, Parviz Ebrahimi who holds a Ph.D. in human leadership behavior. I got married to him afterward we had a beautiful daughter by the name Parnyan Ebrahimi currently seven years old. It is through my husband that I had an opportunity to come to the U.S.A and pursue my medical school ambition. I did a thorough research about the medical schools in the USA and their requirements for admission including their offers. This made me realize that the education system is quite different from that back home in Afghanistan. When I eventually discovered about “Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Herbert School of Medicine” I then realized that this option would help me achieve two major goals in my life which include joining Air Force and medical school at the same time. I would be very much delighted dedicating my future career to service in the Air Force medical school for the purposes of granting an opportunity to serve the community back home. I am very much committed and ready to deliver my full services to Airforce and their family members as a qualified physician in the future if admitted by the respectable admission committee.
I believe that a degree in a medical field program from the “Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Herbert School of Medicine” will position me professionally and adequately for the delivery of efficient services to those in special need. Such a program has the capacity that guarantees the expansion of my capacity to learn and have wider knowledge concerning my area of specialization. This program would be of greater value to me in different ways starting with the tutor lessons which would ensure that I possess advanced skills in my area of academic interest. Such facts point to this University’s true picture of producing world-class physicians that can easily assist lives back in my home country which is by far my interested area of influence. Further, earning a medical degree from your institution would really assist me in the case of advancing my career goals, therefore, granting a professional mileage capable of reinforcing my skills. I would also be of benefit in the implementation of different programs both at the institution and community level. However, my priority is to work in the U.S.A and assist my community back in my country indirectly.
My personal decision to further my pursuit a degree in a medical field is generally governed by my parent’s advice, the existing need for medical assistance across the globe, and the likelihood of action. Individual belief towards perceived threats can be taken as a sum of perceived susceptibility towards, and perceived severity of various illnesses. This is further governed by my belief that the action taken by a medical professional would benefit the community health-wise and that the benefits would outweigh the barriers to take the said action. At this point, some of the reinforcing factors include demographic factors such as age, gender, social class, education, level of income and the like. However, the evolvement of the medical field also included the aspects of self-efficacy being another factor that governs my individual decision to take action towards any form of health requirement from the population. In this case, it entails my personal belief in the performance and sustenance of various actions towards the changes in the health sector. Another trigger that could bring about my choice would be Cues to Action. These could be an advertisement or observing others suffer due to a particular disease, and the like and having a great desire to assist them.
My home country suffers from remoteness, scarcity in population and low literacy levels amongst the population, and this also had a major impact on my decision to pursue an internationally recognized medical profession. This is to offer some indirect assistance while pursuing my full-time career here in the U.S.A. It is evident that low literacy levels in Kabul contribute much to the extent of knowledge the residents have on various kinds of diseases. Majority of the population tend to share the idea that treatment procedures offered only help in the management of different diseases or at least help reduce their effects on the victims.
My education at the Institution will arm me with further skills that are crucial in handling some diseases which could otherwise be a challenge had I remained with skills acquired from medical school in Afghan. Some of these cases include diseases such as high blood pressure, cases of cancer are also identified, stomach ulcers, cases of skin cancer, cervical cancer, and prostate cancer. There are numerous cases of communicable diseases including tuberculosis, scurvy, and HIV. The responses on knowledge and perception about diseases, shows the major causes and the impact of these diseases on households and the community at large. However, through the help of medical professionals, the population are able to receive elaborately on the ways through which different diseases can be controlled and most importantly the preventive measures. It is essential to note that most of the Afghans are only aware of diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure as main chronic diseases affecting the area. As expected, health professionals exhibit an understanding of the terms communicable and non-communicable diseases. Their definition of non-communicable diseases is also in line with the general idea of what chronic or non-communicable diseases are and very helpful to the community. Therefore, from this perspective, it is indeed clear that as a health professional my services shall be key in serving within the Public Health System.
My first exposure to this field of study was during my undergraduate studies at Aria Medical School University specifically in the surgical rotation where I had the pleasure of interacting with my tutor who is currently a neurosurgeon back in my country Kabul, Afghanistan. However, at the time of our first interaction, he was still a registrar at the University of Aria. I was amazed as he explained excellently the neurosurgical field despite the generalized perception and feeling that the field is tough. I became acquainted with different medical procedures and especially was fascinated as I was assisting in performing general surgery. This was one of my most amazing experiences. I was impressed to realize that some of the fascinating human organ structures that still puzzle many.
Learning at the Institution will help me equip with modern resources and would help me gain the right knowledge when it comes to dealing with the category of resources and aids at a higher scale. Some of these subcategories can be identified, and they include training on use of video, training on the Internet, efficient technical support on ICT, health applications on devices, and finally, the system within public health in the U.S. More training would be appropriate in these areas since the system back home was not as sophisticated as the one I see in this institution. This is not only in the use of service tools but also in the use of the internet, mHealth applications, and also the use of video as a learning tool.
The aspect of being tech-savvy is an important component of my career, and therefore, need support. Finally, consent from the public health is also necessary for the purposes of logistics on program implementation process within my area of service. The use of some health features have proved essential and effective in different scenarios for instance the use of mobile phones among health staff and CHWs can have a positive impact. Additionally, such devices as applicable in healthcare have improved the level of adherence to treatment guidelines in many case study countries. I would also love to be part of the system in the U.S. that adopts the use of mobile phones which is the major force behind increased access to peer information and facilitates the existence of higher self-efficacy among healthcare professionals.
My point of Attraction to the Institution’s Unique Mission and Approach
I took time to read through the profile of your university. I discovered that you have an outstanding education system and excellent facilities. I am confident of my choice to study at your institution. In this case, you have the right structures that would assist me to align my experience with the knowledge I seek. Most important, your institution has distinguished professors, and my interaction with such individuals is an assurance to me that I will gain expert knowledge relevant to my field of study. The course curriculum you offer is comprehensive enough and objectively suits the career goals I intend to achieve in the future. Therefore, I desire to study “Regular Master Degree program for General Plastic Surgeon” at your university because it will allow me to fulfill my long-term desire to serve the U.S. citizens.
Doing the program at your institution creates in me a sense of satisfaction especially when I am capable of offering someone a service that could save as well as prolong lives of patients. The idea of focusing intellectual as well as technical abilities on this goal, and the ability to render my service to U.S.A military is indeed a privilege.
The Institution’s right structure would help me gain knowledge on dealing with various epidemic diseases within Afghan and neighboring countries which is on the rise and eventually calls for high-level expertise in the event that the focus is on containing the disaster. There are various problems that require medical attention especially those affected by the constant bombings from the Taliban. This makes the country vulnerable to humanitarian crisis that is capable of paralyzing human activities in the country. Such a humanitarian crisis creates medically associated concerns that need professional solutions. Additionally, my experience and advanced skills in research would of benefit in capacity building at various meetings and events that result in the development of comprehensive reports and program afterward. During my work experiences, I had the opportunity of closely examining the benefits that result from solutions towards various epidemic diseases. This enhanced my critical thinking especially concerning the various issues that affect the different social aspects within the society. The concept that I gained through writing the project programs acted as an eye-opener concerning issues that concerns research and development.
I desire to adopt the Institution’s culture on providing skills to students on how to deal with cases that involve humanitarian crisis. In this case, I would wish to be among those that motivate women to pursue medical courses. I therefore seek an understanding about why women fail to participate preventive health care services and come up with measures to correct this. There are instances where an entire community is forced to take part in some health-related exercises such as screening because of their lack of knowledge. People’s norms, religion, cultural beliefs, and background are s...
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