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Impact Of Adolescence And Exercise Training On A Child Athlete

Essay Instructions:

Word length: 1000 words maximum (not including reference list – please refer to AT1 instructions sheet)

Weighting: 20%


Describe and explain the impact of adolescence and exercise training on the physiological, structural, social and cognitive growth of a child athlete.


This assessment task follows on from case study one assessing your ability to apply key concepts of growth, development and ageing to an adolescent client. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of the unit content, and to apply it to ‘real world’ scenarios. This assessment task satisfies ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4 and ULO5 for HSE113, as outlined in the unit guide (p.5) and within the case study report instruction sheet.

Task Instructions:

After reading the case study below, you are required to address the following in your report:

  • Question 1: Recall and describe the stage of growth and development Gigi is currently undergoing?
  • Question 2: Describe the KEY physiological, structural, cognitive and/or social changes which have been occurring for Gigi in her current development stage?
  • Question 3: How will Gigi’s participation in high level diving will influence her physiological, structural, social and/or cognitive growth?
  • Question 4: Remember back to the “Cote Performance Model.” Also recall that due to developmental changes, female child athletes are prone to a range of common injuries. In this final task you must describe and evaluate the training guidelines for exercise for a child such as Gigi. Based on your evaluation of these guidelines make some practical recommendations to help prevent common injuries often observed at her Age. During the completion of this task you must categorise and identify exercises that are indicated/contraindicated for this stage of growth and highlight the common injury concerns.

Assessment Criteria

In your report, it is important that you demonstrate your understanding of key concepts discussed in the online content and seminars. You will need to make direct links between this information and the case client.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Impact of Adolescence and Exercise Training On the Physiological, Structural, Social and Cognitive Growth of a Child Athlete Personal information Student Name: Student Number: Seminar group (day/time/tutor name): Campus: Date of completion: Word Count: Responses to the questions AT1 case study 2 – Gigi Question 1: Recall and describe the stage of growth and development Gigi is currently undergoing? Gigi, who is 14 years old, is at her adolescence stage, a period when she is transitioning to adulthood from childhood. At this stage, Gigi is undergoing a range of physiological, cognitive and emotional/social developmental changes characterized by pubertal growth spurt and a stage of rapid increase in height, weight, and the development of reproductive organs (Sullivan et al., 2011, p.214). At her age, she is in the first stage of the three main stages in adolescence: early adolescence, which occurs between 15 and 17 years, and the late adolescence experienced among young adults over 17 years. While Gigi is yet to have her first menstrual bleed, the physical changes in her portray that she is at her adolescent stage. At the latest diving fitness testing, on the 5th March 2019, Gigi weighed 45 kg, was 155cm and had a sitting height of 78.5 cm. while she is about 2-3 cm shorter compared to her fraternal twin brother, Fui, due to testosterone hormone that increases Fui’s height. The rapid changes are because of hormonal changes in her body at the onset of puberty and sexual maturation. It is important to understand the present Gigi’s development stage to ensure the appropriate timing and type of training that she can adequately perform. This is because growth during adolescence can significantly affect the motor performance, strength, and aerobic power among child athletes like Gigi, whose mother is worried about the burnouts, injury and other negative psychological that training may have on her daughter. Question 2: Describe the KEY physiological, structural, cognitive and/or social changes, which have been occurring for Gigi in her current development stage? Physiological Changes Adolescence stage is a time of dramatic cognitive, physical, emotional and social changes that are accompanied with various challenges in the lives of girls (Scherf, Behrmann, & Dahl, 2012, p.199). The main physiological change occurring at Gigi’s stage is the maturation of the reproductive endocrine axis, which is comprised of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the gonad (HPG). The three-part system, known as the HPG axis triggers and manages her maturation to adult stage by controlling the reproductive functions. While most girls have their first menstrual bleed at about 12 years, the timing of menarche tends to vary among different girls and populations. The variation in timing of maturation among healthy individuals is primarily caused by genetic factors (Kollur, Pratinidhi, & Kakade, 2013, p.640). Structural changes As Gigi undergoes sexual maturation, there is a concomitant change in body weight and linear growth (Kollur, Pratinidhi, & Kakade, 2013, p.641). Tanner Staging, also known as Sexual Maturation Rating (SMR), is based on the scale of secondary sexual characteristics that enable health professionals to understand the degree of maturation, regardless of age. It is expected that Gigi’s body will experience an appearance of pubic hair and the development of breasts. Many studies have noted that pubertal spurts occur between 13 and 14 years and it is important for Gigi to have good nutrition, family life education, and health education in regards to menarche, and menstruation. Good nutrition at her age will prevent stunting by catch up growth and increase her adult height (Kollur, Pratinidhi, & Kakade, 2013, p.642). Social and/or cognitive changes There are also psychosocial and cognitive changes that have been occurring in Gigi’s current development stage of adolescence. She will have a markedly different psychosocial context different from what she had when growing up as pre-adolescent girl. The relationship with her family members, peers, and society will go through a number of distinct changes at her present stage (Choudhury, Blakemore, & Charman, 2006, p.165). She is likely to assert more independent control over her decisions, actions, and emotions and begin to disengage from the control of her parents. In addition, in her school time and during training, she is involved in intense process of socialization with her teachers and diving coaches, which will make her increasingly aware of the perspectives of who she relates with and the societal influences (Choudhury, Blakemore, & Charman, 2006, p.165). Overall, understanding the structural, physiological, and psychosocial changes will be critical in ensuring a better transition to adult stage Question 3: How will Gigi’s participation in high level diving influence her physiological, structural, social and/or co...
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