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Substance Use Disorder. Benefits and Problems of Drug Use

Essay Instructions:

One of the transdisciplinary foundations of substance use disorder counseling is Professional Readiness. The ability to integrate the information learned in this class and apply that knowledge to the practice of substance use disorder counseling is essential for the substance use disorder counselor to effectively diagnose, treat and coordinate services for clients with substance use disorder and co-occurring psychiatric disorders. In this final assignment, LSC students in DAAC 1304 will write a paper addressing the use of drugs in society. The final paper will address the following topics; 1) How drugs provide benefit to society, 2) How drugs create problems in society, 3) Your opinion about the appropriate use of drugs in society.

Grading Rubric

The benefits of drug use - how are drugs used in society to benefit humanity. =10 points

The problems of drug use - how are drugs used in society in such a way that causes problems in society. =10 points

Your opinion about the appropriate use of drugs in society. =20 points

Style, Organization – follow APA style for cover sheet, header, format, citations and reference page with at least 3 references. Length of paper with cover page and reference page equals at least 5 pages and less than 10 pages. = 10 points for a TOTAL = 50 points

PROOF READ YOUR PAPER and CORRECT ERRORS before you submit it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Substance Use Disorder
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
A drug refers to any substance other than food that when taken changes the normal functioning of the body. There are two broad categories of drugs, medicinal drugs, and recreational drugs. Drugs always have positive effects when used properly. However, any misuse of drugs leads to bad repercussions hence it is very important for someone to know the correct usage of drugs before he or she consumed them. This paper highlights the benefits of drugs to society, how drugs create problems in society and give a personal opinion on the appropriate use of drugs in society.
Benefits of Drug Use
Drugs have made a positive impact on society in numerous ways. For instance, drugs are used to prevent diseases, cure diseases, relieve pain, prolong life, save lives, and boost the general health of people, to escape reality, to relax and derive pleasure and to create employment (Morgan et al., 2013). Notably, some drugs are used to cure diseases. Antibiotics are an example of those drugs used to treat an illness and eliminate it completely. They work by stopping the multiplication of a bacterium in the body or by killing the bacteria. Hence enable the body’s immune system to fight against infections CITATION Han17 \l 1033 (Hanson, Venturelli, & Fleckenstein, 2017). Curative drugs have been used to heal sick people in society for many years now and keeping people healthy.
Some drugs are used to replace missing substances that are essential in the body or to regulate the levels of regular chemicals found in the body such as vitamins and hormones. For instance, individuals who have diabetes are given drugs containing insulin hence their blood sugar is controlled. Today many people suffering from diabetes, anemia and other illnesses resulting from an imbalance of hormones have been able to live normal lives since they use these kinds of drugs CITATION Han17 \l 1033 (Hanson, Venturelli, & Fleckenstein, 2017).
Problems of Drug Use
Despite the many benefits the society has received from drug usage, drugs have been a source of many societal problems such as disruption of family units and draining the country’s resources such as money. The abuse of recreational drugs such as alcohol costs all people money; both the alcoholics and non-alcoholics. Alcohol is expensive, and at least $600 billion is used annually on alcohol CITATION Bru11 \l 1033 (Edelfield & Moosa, 2011). This is a loss to everyone since this money could have been used in more beneficial ways such as giving scholarships to needy students....
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