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Strategies for Workforce Improvement 43 in Health Care

Essay Instructions:
As a human resources manager in a health care organization, you will be asked to develop varying types of strategies and management techniques that improve the performance of your workforce. It is important for you to know how to keep abreast of such strategies through research, as well as analyze how such strategies and techniques can be applied in your organization. In this assessment, you will apply these skills. Select a health care organization, and specific division within it, with which you work or are familiar. Assume you are the human resources director for your selected organization. In a recent meeting, executive management has determined it would like to improve health care workforce performance levels within a specific division of your organization. Management has asked you to research and identify 3 diverse strategies that use innovative management techniques, operational practices, or technology that could be applied to improve workforce performance within the selected division at your health care organization. Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary of 3 diverse strategies to improve workforce performance that includes the following: Identification of 3 key strategies to improve workforce performance for your organization and division An analysis of how each strategy could be deployed within your division and organization to improve workforce performance A recommendation for application of the best key strategy An analysis of how your recommended strategy affects workforce needs for service delivery for your organization SMART goal(s), objective(s), and tasks to implement your recommended strategy A description of how goal achievement will be measured Expenses for recommendation implementation Cite 3 reputable references
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Strategies for Workforce Improvement 43 in Health Care Author’s Name: Institution of Affiliation: Course Name: Instructor’s Name: Date: Strategies for Workforce Improvement 43 in Health Care The Johns Hopkins Hospital is one of the healthcare facilities preferred in the U.S. Most people prefer it because of its excellence in different medical specialties. Despite outstanding performance, this institution requires improvements to maintain its competitive advantage in the healthcare sector. Since this facility has different divisions, it is critical to concentrate on one at a time. One of the departments in this organization is oncology, which involves diagnosis and offering cancer patients quality treatment. Since the workforce plays a critical role in offering healthcare services, looking for ways to boost their performance levels is critical. Since the human resources director is supposed to look for ways to boost their performance, I will have to look for ways to boost their performance. These methods include prioritizing employee well-being, improving working communication among the staff, and establishing a positive culture and management in healthcare. Prioritizing employee well-being can boost performance in the oncology division. Since the healthcare facility strives to offer quality care to its patients, it is likely to neglect the staff. For example, the normal question that the staff are asked is how the patients have been. However, there are fewer instances where the employees are asked how they have been. It has, therefore, been evident that the facility is chasing the results and KPIs more while neglecting the employees' well-being. This division should prioritize its staff's well-being to boost productivity because their productivity mainly depends on their well-being. For instance, when the employees are well-rested and have improved mental health, they will have a positive attitude towards work (Søvold et al., 2021). They will, therefore, be motivated to serve the patients wholeheartedly. Moreover, they will have improved focus, which could help them complete their tasks, boost their efficiency, and increase their quality deliverables. Besides, improving the staff's well-being prevents them from experiencing distress, which can make them experience mental and physical health illnesses. Moreover, since they will feel valued, they will be motivated to work, reducing their burnout rate and increasing the quality of the service they will offer their patients. One way to boost the staff's well-being is by organizing periodic programs addressing their mental and physical health. The following programs should educate the employees on the importance of opening up to the challenges that they may be experiencing. Furthermore, they should allow the employees to highlight the issues that they have been experiencing. This process will help the facility to address these challenges and prevent them from recurring, boosting the staff’s well-being. The organization can also boost the staff productivity in the oncology division by boosting the staff’s communication within the department. Since the oncology department is one of the most sensitive departments, the staff should have accurate diagnoses and treatment. Effective communi...
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