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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Essay Instructions:
Assessment Details Select a health care setting and organization on which you will focus for your sustainability initiative (e.g., local hospital (Centra Health) Consider the setting and organization you have selected and break it down to the main departments, employee roles, operating activities, and so on. While doing so, brainstorm opportunities to reduce costs or eliminate waste while improving patient care or outcomes. Review the list of sustainable initiatives from the list below, and select one that you want to promote for your selected organization: Red bag waste reduction Note: Ensure that the opportunity you select correlates with the setting you select. Additionally, if you want to complete a sustainable initiative that is not on the list, obtain approval from your instructor before completing the assignment. Part I: Initiative Proposal Write a 350- to 525-word summary of the sustainability initiative you want to promote at the health care setting you selected. Your proposal should: Create a clear vision or mission statement that defines the scope of the initiative and would generate buy-in. Define what outcomes you expect to achieve over time. Be specific with what you can realistically deliver. Part II: Matrix analysis Management has requested that you prepare a matrix analysis of both environmental and financial contexts for your proposed sustainability initiative. Organize and include the following in your matrix: Estimated current costs involved in your sustainability initiative’s processes (e.g., staffing, facility, operating, products, services) Estimated cost to implement initiatives (e.g., new equipment, new contracts, or staff) Cost projections after implementation Social and environmental costs Benefits Cost savings, immediate or over time Benefits over time (1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.) Local, state, or national revenue sources for your initiative Part III: Matrix summary analysis Prepare a 700-word summary of your matrix analysis. Include the following in your summary: Restate your individual sustainability initiative. Relate how your initiative might impact other sustainability initiatives within your organization. Describe various environmental contexts that could impact your sustainability initiative. Analyze and summarize the financial contexts and implications your sustainability initiative will have on your selected organization. Explain the cost savings and benefits over time. Recommend a local, state, or national revenue sources for your initiative and why you believe the source is appropriate. Cite 3 reputable references
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sustainability Initiative for Centra Health Students Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Instructors Name Date Sustainability Initiative for Centra Health Hospitals create a tremendous amount of trash every day. Most of this waste is contaminated with germs and chemicals from helping patients. If a hospital does not properly deal with this garbage, it could hurt people and the environment. Hospitals must find green ways to take care of their garbage. They need systems to reuse, recycle and dispose of things safely without polluting the air, water or land. This protects patients, staff, animals and plants. This sustainability initiative for Centra Health Hospital describes a red bag waste reduction plan that could help the hospital cut waste by 25% in one year. Part 1: Initiative Proposal Centra Health strives to provide excellent patient care while being good stewards of resources. One area that can be improved is reducing the daily medical waste. This proposal focuses on starting a program at Centra's facilities to decrease red bag waste. Medical waste makes up a big part of the total trash thrown out. However, much of it could be kept from being burned if sorted properly for recycling instead. A red bag waste reduction plan will allow Centra to significantly cut disposal costs and have a smaller environmental impact. With support from leaders and participation from all departments, Centra can embrace greener practices to be a more sustainable organization. This red bag waste reduction program aims to decrease medical waste incineration by 25% within one year by improving how things are sorted and recycled from red bags. Centra envisions properly separating items that can be recycled or do not need burning from red bags to lessen the amount of regulated medical waste. Sending suitable materials for recycling will save money on waste management costs while moving Centra closer to its zero waste goals. Some key things Centra will do: * Centra will create clear guidelines on sorting with help from doctors, cleaning staff, and trash collectors. The guidelines will plainly state what items can safely be recycled instead of burned. * Centra will use the new guidelines to retrain the cleaning crew on proper waste sorting. Regular refreshers every few months will reinforce the best practices. * Centra will install well-labelled sorting stations in all areas that make medical trash. The stations will have red bags for regulated waste and clear bins for recyclables and normal trash. * Centra leaders and department managers will encourage participation. Leadership will communicate the program's importance and recognize high-performing areas. * Centra will regularly check progress by auditing red bag contents, weighing waste types, and comparing them to past disposal records. This will identify areas needing extra help. The reduction program is expected to keep at least 25% of red bag contents from being burned in the first year. This will significantly cut related disposal costs while avoiding unnecessary waste. Diversion rates should increase with ongoing monitoring, improving practices over time, and educating staff. Centra's patients and community will benefit from these greener efforts that lessen Centra's environmental impact without com...
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