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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Person-Centered Goals Case Study

Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you will choose a client summary which includes the communication diagnosis of a client, and a brief description of their communication challenges (client summaries provided on final page of this document). You will complete a short case study (approximately 2 pages) which will include: ● A list of questions to ask your client and/or their caregiver during your initial interview o Consider what we’ve discussed in class regarding person-centered care. Refer back to the ICF model discussed in class and think about what you would like to know in terms of communicative function, activities/participation, and environmental and personal factors. Think about questions that will help you determine things like which aspects of impaired functioning are impacting the client the most, how their activities and overall life participation have changed, which of these changes are the most critical to your client. Note: You should not be including assessment tasks in here (e.g., picture naming, reading, comprehension, etc.). This is an interview, not a formal speech-language assessment. ● A short summary of the responses you received to these questions o For this part, you’re going to be creative and use your imagination. How did your client and/or their caregiver respond to these questions? What follow up questions did you ask to gain additional information? This shouldn’t be a list or transcript, but rather a summary of the information you gained from asking these questions. ● A set of 3-5 functional goals you design for your client o Working together with your client and their family, determine what goals you would like to address in therapy. When choosing goals, reflect on the information you received from the client and their family as well as your own knowledge of communication based on what you’ve learned in this course. ● A brief summary of your rationale for choosing these goals o Why did you choose these goals? How will the achievement of these goals impact your client’s participation in meaningful activities, their personal identity, and their roles and interactions within their community?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Person-Centered Goals Case Study: Mario’s Post-Stroke Intervention. Name Institution Affiliation Professor Course Date Person-Centered Goals Case Study: Mario’s Post-Stroke Intervention. Summary Mario and Alina have been married for 29 years and the recent development in Mario's health left both him and Alina devasted. Even though they were hopeful, Alina, as the primary caregiver was confident Mario would improve and get back to their normal life. To get better insight and which interventions to have for Mario, and how post-stroke effects impacted their relationship, I asked the question below in our interview: List of questions. 1 Mario, how has your speech and ability to find words changed for the past month? 2 Alina, what changes have you noticed in Marios' speech, and in your opinion, is it improving? 3 Mario, would you please describe to Me a specific scenario when you were having challenges finding words or expressing yourself? 4 Alina, has Mario's condition affected your daily interactions in your relationship? 5 Mario, do you feel disappointed that you cannot find words or express yourself as you would have liked? 6 Alina, have Mario's conditions affected your quality of life and well-being? 7 Mario, what goals do you hope to achieve in expressing yourself, and have you tried any strategy to achieve the goals? 8 Alina, are there any environmental factors at your house that can challenge our interventions? Summary of the Response After asking the questions, both Mario and Alina expressed their disappointment with the condition. Th...
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