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Week 3 Assignment - Strategic Planning and Development

Essay Instructions:
Imagine you have been selected by the facility's executive committee to develop a strategic plan that aligns with the organization's mission and vision. Use critical thinking skills and research current events of your chosen organization to prepare your assignment this essay will be on the Academy of pediatrics Assignment Instructions Write an 8-10 page strategic plan. Your plan must include the elements listed below. Note that the instructions correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion in the scoring guide to see how your work will be assessed: Differentiate between strategic management, strategic thinking, strategic planning, and managing strategic momentum. Propose one specific analytical tool suitable for use as an adaptive strategy that will be the most effective in helping an organization achieve its strategic plan. Propose the manner and provide an example of how the selected analytical tool will be used to support the strategic proposal. Research three internal and three external factors that could become barriers to the success of the proposed strategic plan. Recommend at least one solution to each of the possible barriers to implementing your proposed strategic plan. Determine the specific segment of the market that your organization's strategic plan will target. Recommend the most effective approach to marketing your strategic plan and provide examples. Use at least three quality academic resources.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Strategic Planning and Development Paper Student’s Name Institution Course # and Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Introduction A well-crafted strategic plan acts as the cornerstone that guides organizations in making decisions that will result in success. The American Academy of Pediatrics—a renowned institution for quality pediatrics care—requires a strategic plan to streamline operations and maximize profits. The proposed plan involves establishing a new wing to cater to teenagers with mental health issues. Understanding strategic management is essential in monitoring the effectiveness of the strategic plan. A strategic thought process analyzes the different leadership ideas for implementing the optimal strategic plan. Strategic planning involves the creation of goals and objectives based on the mission and vision of the organization. It is essential to manage momentum to ensure that the goals align with the organizational mission. An organization needs an effective analytical tool and a marketing strategy for a strategic plan to be successful. This paper discusses how effective strategic planning is essential in formulating plans that align with the organization’s mission and promote success. Differentiation Strategic management continuously implements plans to ensure an organization achieves its goals and objectives. It involves stages like goal-setting to ensure that the goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. For instance, AAP can incorporate strategic management by scheduling meetings with shareholders to set goals for the construction of the new wing. The shareholders can monitor the progress of the strategic goal and make improvements where needed. Research by Fueres et al. (2020) argues that an analysis is conducted to investigate the possible internal and external forces that might affect the success of the goals. The organization can identify areas impacting success, such as the required resources, personnel, and technology. The short-term and long-term goals are executed, and then re-evaluation is done to assess the effectiveness of the goals. Strategic management will help AAP remain competitive while providing optimal care to teenagers and promoting professional satisfaction. Strategic thinking is a deliberate thought process that challenges conventional thinking to provide solutions that contribute to organizational success. It thus is essential to understand that strategic thinking considers the possible threats and vulnerabilities that might undermine success. AAP can incorporate strategic thinking through innovative solutions, such as a mental health education program that educates parents and teenagers. The organization can also utilize research to offer evidence-based care to patients dealing with depression. Strategic thinking can set an organization apart by analyzing an idea's feasibility before implementing it (Deichmann et al., 2021). Strategic thinking encourages individuals to be practical and critical in their decision-making. Strategic planning involves critical organizational stakeholders creating a vision and analyzing the steps to achieving the goals. Through strategic planning, an organization can plan both short and long-term goals. Strategic planning motivates employees to work excellently because a specific plan guides them. A navigation system can be equated to a strategic plan since it provides a sense of direction. The strategic plan involves the vision statement, mission statement, goals, and objectives. AAP can build a solid organizational culture by implementing a strategic plan involving different stakeholders. Therefore, strategic planning ensures that an organization aligns with its mission and vision. An organization should manage momentum by setting clear and realistic goals that can be achieved. For instance, AAP can set achievable goals to enhance organizational success. All departments should be aligned with a common purpose and objective to promote cohesion and teamwork (Mobolade & Akinade, 2021). The goals should not focus on the short term but on the long term to ensure the organization's sustainability. Adequate resource allocation manages the momentum of the goals since employees can achieve the critical objective. The leadership should always be transparent to foster employee trust and prioritize the organization's goals. An organization needs to measure performance regularly to streamline the process. Analytical Tool SWOT analysis is a suitable analytical tool in helping AAP achieve its strategic plan. The manner of use involves gathering employees from different departments in a brainstorming session. The employees give the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats the potential strategic plan might face in establishing a new wing. Thus, from the results, AAP determines the areas that need improvement and the possible opportunities that can result in organizational success. The results from the analytical tool will improve efficiency in the operational processes. AAP can identify threats hindering the organization from achieving its goals and objectives through the strategic plan. The results will guide the organization to minimize potential losses. AAP can conduct brainstorming sessions with other stakeholders to conduct a SWOT analysis on a strategic proposal. For instance, AAP has a strategic proposal for expanding its pediatric mental health wing to ensure optimal service delivery. The SWOT analysis analyzes the possible strengths of the strategy proposal. AAP has different strengths that would lead to the success of the strategic proposal. The brand reputation promotes great marketing for AAP since it is well known; thus, advertising the strategic proposal is easier. The organization is well-known for championing the well-being of children; thus, the proposal will resonate with those who support AAP. The hospital has professionals who advocate for the wellness of children; hence, the strategic proposal aligns with the company’s mission and vision. The strategic proposal has some weaknesses that might hinder its operation. The SWOT analysis indicates that the employees might be resistant to change. Medical practitioners might resist the expansion of the new pediatric mental health services. Some might be resistant because of the potential increase in duties that the new wing might lead to. The SWOT analysis provides an evidence-based approach to employee motivation. A SWOT analysis highlights this weakness that the strategic plan might face. Insufficient resources might hinder the success of the strategic proposal since building a pediatric wing requires adequate finances (Mobolade & Akinade, 2021). Thus, it supports the strategic proposal by highlighting weaknesses that ...
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