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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Community-based health Promotional Programs. Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Building on the information you collected so far, please provide a discussion on the following:
1. How you would go about implementing your health promotion program/intervention.
2. How you would involve the community.
3. Identify and discuss the resources you will need to implement your health promotion program//intervention.
Discuss how you would evaluate your health promotion/intervention program. What would your process, impact, and outcome evaluation consist of? What evaluation methods would you use? What problems are you likely to encounter in the evaluation process?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community-based health promotional programs have contributed greatly to the well-being of people in the United States and other parts of the world.However, the success of any health promotional program is intensively depended on the implementation procedure, resources, evaluation, and handling of the problems that may arise. As a result, this paper seeks to discuss the implementation process of a community based health promotional program, resources needed, and evaluation methods used. Furthermore, the paper will discuss the importance of involving the community in the program and the problems that may arise during evaluation.
In the implementation of the community health promotional program, it is important to have a specific population, whose health needs are known. As a result, the implementation process must have a “needs assessment” that identifies all factors that may affect the process while also providing information about the community. The information gathered assist in pulling people towards the program as people are likely to follow through if they know their health needs are understood and will be taken care of.
Furthermore, successful implementation of a community-based health promotional program must establish partnerships with similar programs in the community. The idea behind partnerships is to create a friendly environment that lead to sharing of information, health events, and other health promotion tools. However, successful implementation of promotional programs has administrative support that encourages positive environment and reduce barriers to implementation. As a result, the implementation process may fail if the administrative part of the program is not proactive enough to pull resources, procedures and any other relevant support toward the program.
Health promotional programs are meant for the community thus cannot be successful if the community is not involved. Therefore community involvement must be prioritized. Other than educating them, people from that community must be recruited to be part of the program. This is very important as it will ensure doctors and nurses reach places that they would not have reached on their own. As a result, the recruitment process should focus on influential people in the community, commonlyreferred to as “program champions.” Such people are well respected within the community thus will positively influence program participation and acceptance (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2016).
Although health promotional programs do not seek profit, they req...
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