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PPACA Legislation: Health Care Reform and Future Possibilities

Essay Instructions:


1) Use your critical thinking skills to write a paper of 1,000–1,200 words that responds to the question, "Is the PPACA legislation an improvement or a liability to our health care delivery system?" Use examples to illustrate your points and include pros and cons of the changes.

2) Refer to the assigned readings to incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.

3) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

4) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
PPACA Legislation Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation PPACA Legislation The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly referred to as Obamacare, has led to the rise of diverse opinions since its implementation in the year 2010. The heated debate is about whether the legislation has increased the health care liability or it has brought improvement in the delivery care systems. Numerous arguments have postulated that although the act has increased the Americans’ health insurance coverage, it has also punished those who do not participate in the cover by introducing expensive tax penalties. Due to the varying views of the American population, the analysis below fundamentally focuses on the pros and cons of the PPACA legislation. The paper aims to look at how the affordable care act has affected the lives of the American people, both positively and negatively while citing the relevant examples. Healthcare insurance is critical in ensuring that quality and affordable healthcare services are available to the people. The core benefit of the PPACA legislation is that now many Americans have the right to access free health care insurance coverage without having to mind about their financial status or capability (Mayer, 2015). The PPACA legislation provides the Americans with the advantage of free preventive services, low-cost prescription medicines, free examinations, and health screening increased health care services and a reduction in the Medicaid fraud abuse (Talbert et al., 2018). The PPACA gives incentives and rewards the best performing medical professional for increasing their effectiveness in their service delivery. To ensure a high coverage, the PPACA covers everyone below the age of 26 living under their parents’ care. This policy has benefited many people as mostly the young adults who could not afford insurance can be covered provided that they are under the care of their parents or guardians. In examining the benefits of the PPACA, the most crucial factor is to look at how the policy has been valuable or has affected the people. The essential benefits of the PPACA act are that it has enabled most people to access the care for both the sickly people and those with the pre-existing conditions (Rosenbaum, 2011). At the society level, every society member has been considered in the legislation since the policy is a non-discriminatory one. Additionally, the law has allowed people with pre-existing conditions to be covered at a cost similar to that of people without such conditions. Therefore, Medicare legislation has curbed the exploitation of Americans by insurance companies that were previously known to charge hefty premium fees. Additionally, people with pre-existing conditions have been saved by the new legislation by cutting high premium costs charged by insurance companies before the legislating. Regarding the pre-existing health conditions, the PPACA legislation prevents the insurance companies from charging higher premiums due to health issues history. Overall, PPACA legislation is a relief to patients who can now afford to access quality medical care. The new policy has presented many opportunities for the redesign in the health sector in the United States. Part of this redesigning is the Accountable Care Organizations models. The research has shown that the introduction of the PPACA serves as a tool for cost containment and also improves the quality of the services. The PPACA has helped the medical professionals to exercise best practices in the health sector due to the effectiveness of the system brought about by the Care Act (Babyar, 2016). The Accountable Care Organizations provide a useful and productive environment for the health personnel to coordinate and perform better in terms of their service delivery in providing care for medical patients (Wan, Masri & Ortiz, 2014). The program allows the Accountable Care Organizations to enjoy freedom when doing their job and they are only rewarded when they deliver quality services in medical care. The implication is that medical costs have reduced while the quality of the care given has improved. Therefore, it can be concluded that the PPACA has led to the improvement of medical care in the health syst...
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