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Initiating Awareness Campaign for Obesity

Essay Instructions:

Please share your thoughts on different funding means for the program you designed for your SLP. At a minimum, use the course readings to support your response. Other peer-reviewed materials may also be used to supplement the response. Please be sure to include references at the end of your posting.

і tlc.trident.edu96% f>*•і Sprint LTEFor this component of your SLP, based on the public health topic you selected in Module 1 SLP, please t discuss the following:

1. What behavioral factors influence the problem? Which of these behaviors are more important and which are more amenable to health promotion/ intervention? Which behaviors would you design a
program/intervention for based on these considerations? What environmental aspects seem to also affect the health issue you selected?
2. What are the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors for the health behaviors you identified? Include any environmental influences.
3. What policies, resources, and circumstances can facilitate or hinder your proposed
program/intervention on the factors you identified?
4. If you were doing a project in real life, and this would be a comprehensive plan, how would you gather your needs assessment data? What would be your data sources?

i tlc.trident.edu1. Choose a public health topic for a specific population group and/or age group. It can be a specific disease or condition such as heart disease or cancer; an infectious disease such as AIDS, TB, etc.; diabetes or a health aspect such as maternal and child health, oral health, or mental health; a behavior such as smoking or inactivity; or a disease risk factor like obesity or hypertension.
2. Provide a brief description of the topic. Discuss the magnitude of the problem (e.g., trends in
incidence/prevalence, policies, etc.) and its public health significance.
3. Next, discuss the social determinants of the health problem for the specific group you selected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Weight gain or obesity is a major health concern for all adults, especially for females, as it can lead to brain stroke, sudden heart attack and even death (Lamerton et al. 2018). The deleterious effects of obesity are diverse, including increased risks of premature death, chronic illnesses and decreased quality of life. The purpose of this project is to raise the issue at a high level so that both public and private sector organizations can initiate awareness campaigns and obese women are helped to shed extra pounds.
The first funding source for this project is corporate donations. We will contact the owners or managers of top corporations nationwide and worldwide and will request them to fund this project, as it can contribute to the betterment and wellbeing of the whole society.
Another funding source is individual donations. We will create new profiles on social media, especially on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, to make more and more people understand th...
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