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The Role of Policy in Developing Drug Abuse

Essay Instructions:

Question Understanding of Book Writing Quality Citation and Technical presentation

Answered one of the questions clearly

5 points Demonstrate understanding of the reading

7 points Good clear writing

2 points Properly Cited with no/limited mistakes

1 points

No clear response to a question

3 - 4 points Vaguely demonstrate understanding of the reading

4 – 6 points Not very well written

1 point

Did not answer one of the questions

0 - 2 points Do not demonstrate they read or understand the reading

0 - 3 points Poorly written, does not meet minimum 3-page limit

0 points Do not use proper citations

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Role of Policy in Developing Drug Abuse Name Institutional Affiliation The Role of Policy in Developing Drug Abuse Policy has always served as a guiding light for both the public and the government. In essence, policies work to provide a sense of direction and guidance on how the government is required to handle or approach certain subjects. Taking into account the fact that policy formation cuts across all sectors of government and that policy is designed for virtually every government service, it is clear that policy is a powerful tool. In this respect, policy influences every aspect of human life from trade to healthcare to law enforcement and even to drug and substance abuse. It becomes critical to ensure that the policies formed by government are supportive of measures aimed at reducing vices such as drug and substance abuse. While in some cases drug abuse escalates as a direct result of policy formulation, in some cases it escalates unintendedly. One of the most striking ways in which policy influences drug abuse is in the form of war (Bergen-Cico, Possemato, & Cheon, 2013). While war is often considered to be armed conflict between nations, it is important to also remember that the decision to go to war is indicative of the nation’s foreign policy agenda. As such, nations can engage in war as a means of realizing their foreign policy agenda, much like the USA has done on numerous occasions. While some of the agendas pursued are noble and for the greater good of all mankind, they often end up having unintended consequences and casualties (Bergen-Cico, 2012). One of the most affected groups of casualties is soldiers. At war, many soldiers are subjected to endless trauma and violence that scars their mental and emotional psyche. In such instances, many soldiers choose to numb their pain and escape their demons using alcohol and other substances. This is part of the reason why many veterans are battling drug and substance addictions particularly when they return home. Their desire to escape the violence and trauma that they were subjected to as well as that which they subjected on their victims pushes many veterans into drug and substance abuse and dependency. In this way, the foreign policy agenda of a nation, though crafted with good intentions, ends up promoting drug abuse (Bergen-Cico, Possemato, & Cheon, 2013). Similarly, the nations that are subjected to wars and violence are equally affected by the policy decisions of other nations. In an environment where violence, trauma, and death have been normalized, many local inhabitants tu...
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