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Annotated Bibliography – Refugee Pregnant Women. Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Annotated Bibliography-DueMar 2–Each student must identify and review three peer-reviewed resources associated with their selected topic. Students will submit an annotated bibliography of these three resources. An example and guidelines for the annotated bibliography can be found in the ICollege resources folder.The annotation should include a summary of the article, a specific explanation on the methods used, and an explanation about what makes the source a credible source.

Gather evidence from at least three (or more) authoritative sources (this will be the basis of your

annotated bibliography). Each group member must have distinct sources, group members cannot

have any sources in common, and all sources should be from credible sources, and the annotation

should explain why the source is credible. Examples of credible sources include but are not

limited to:

o Peer-reviewed journals (not magazines or trade publications)

o Authoritative books and articles written by scholars in the field

o U.S. government and international websites such as the Centers for Disease Control, National

Institutes of Health, United Nations, World Health Organization, etc.

o Websites written by authoritative scholars – UNICEF, March of Dimes, Children’s Defense


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Annotated Bibliography – Refugee Pregnant Women
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March 3, 2019
Alemayehu, A., Gedefaw, L., Yemane, T., & Asres, Y. (2016). Prevalence, severity, and determinant factors of Anemia among pregnant women in south Sudanese refugees, Pugnido, Western Ethiopia. Anemia.
One of the common problems that women face during pregnancy is anemia. Although this condition is relatively common, neglecting it could cause harm to the mother as well as the child her, which suggests the urgency of the need to provide long-term solutions to the problem. In line with this, this study was aimed at finding the prevalence, severity, and determinants of anemia among South Sudanian pregnant women in Ethiopia. It utilized a mixed method approach, that focuses on the use of survey, interview, and technical analysis within a facility in the Pugnido Administration Refugee and Returnee Affairs Health Center. Specifically, its technical analysis included the testing of blood and fecal specimens in order to find answers to the aforementioned questions. In the end, the authors found out that “the overall prevalence of anemia was 36.1%” for those pregnant women refugees. This finding could then help the research by adding information about the state of pregnant women in refugee camps.
Higgins-Steele, A., Lai, D., Chikvaidze, P., Yousufi, K., Anwari, Z., Peeperkorn, R., & Edmond, K. (2017). Humanitarian and primary healthcare needs of refugee women and children in Afghanistan. BMC medicine, 15(1), 196.
This article discusses about the accessibility and affordability of healthcare for pregnant refugee women in Afghanistan. Being constantly torn between these warzones, pregnant women whom are refugees could be exposed to greater dangers than others. Thus, in order to shed light to this, the authors have utilized a qualitative method of study by interviewing healthcare professionals about the humanitarian and primary healthcare needs of such refugee women. The study shows that there is a lack of provision of these needs due to some barriers such as inefficiency in the healthcare sector or due to direct interruptions caused by conflict and insecurity within the country. In ...
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