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Organizational Structures and Leadership of Medical Surgical Unit

Essay Instructions:

➢ Write 2-page paper that addresses the following 4 questions bellow

➢ Reference-use attached articles

➢ Please make sure to write 2 pages (550 words)

1. A description of a medical/surgical unit organization formal structure

2. Indicating whether it is best described as a line, ad hoc, matrix, service line, flat, or a combination.

3. Describe how decisions are made within the organization and within one department or unit in particular, noting relevant attributes of centralized/decentralized decision making.

4. Explain the influence of formal and informal leadership on decision-making within this department or unit.

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Organizational Structures and Leadership of Medical/Surgical Unit
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Organizational Structures and Leadership of Medical/Surgical Unit
Response to Question 1
Similar to traditional organizations, the medical facility has a corporate structure formally defined for regulating routine processes and delivering the servicescape to the patients subsequently. The organizational structure in a medical facility refers to the number of levels comprising of management provisions significantly. The levels allow a medical facility to manage operations efficiently and maintain cohesion among the departments simultaneously.
Nonetheless, in a medical facility or hospital, the formal structure of an organization initiates with the Board of Directors (BOD), representing the top management. The Executives that monitor routine operations in the facility further follow the structure. The corresponding levels in the organizational structure of the medical facility comprised of administrators, patient care, service providers, etc. The overall hierarchy of a hospital is not different from the non-medical corporation that provides service to the customers.
Response to Question 2
Based on the operational complexities experienced in the healthcare facilities, it is deduced that the matrix structure fits best for generating functional efficacy. According to Gu, Li, Li, and Liang (2017), medical facilities have different and large-scale functions that regulate simultaneously. Each department is inter-dependent on performing functions holistically. In terms of efficiency, it is important that each department is informed and cohesive for collectively delivering the servicescape. For this purpose, the matrix structure would integrate the objectives of different departments and transform into a collective direction. Moreover, matrix structure creates different reporting line for employees in multiple departments, mitigating delays in work processes and synergizing results subsequently (Killingsworth & Eschenbacher, 2018). Hence, the matrix structure is strategically the best organizational model for a healthcare facility, considering the dynamism and complexities in the core functions conducted routinely by the man...
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