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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Role of Nutrition in the Reduction of Infant Mortality in the United States

Essay Instructions:

This assignment allows the learner to apply knowledge gained about health promotion concepts and strategies, enhance written communication skills, and demonstrate a beginning understanding of cultural competency. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health promotion activities. (PO 1 and 2)
3. Discuss health promotion, illness prevention, health maintenance, health restoration, and rehabilitation in relation to the nurse’s role in working with various populations. (PO 1, 2, and 8)
7. Identify health promotion strategies throughout the life span. (PO 1, 2, and 4)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
1) Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population from a specific culture in your area.
2) Choose one of the Leading Health Indicator (LHI) priorities from Healthy People. https://health(dot)gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/leading-health-indicators
3) Research a topic related to health and wellness associated with one of the Healthy People topic areas.
4) Submit your topic to the instructor for approval at least 2 weeks prior to the final assignment due date, but earlier if desired. All topics must be approved.
5) You will develop an educational health promotion project addressing the population/culture in your area.
6) Use TurnItIn in time to make any edits that might be necessary based on the Similarity Index prior to submitting your paper to your faculty. Consult with your faculty about the acceptable Similarity Index for this paper.
7) For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center page https://mychamberlain(dot)sharepoint(dot)com/sites/StudentResourceCenter/WC.
8) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric).
a. Introduction and Conclusion- 15 points/15%
• Introduction establishes the purpose of the paper and describes why topic is important to health promotion .• Introduction establishes the purpose of the paper and describes why topic is important to health promotion in the target population in your area.
• Introduction stimulates the reader’s interest.
• Conclusion includes the main ideas from the body of the paper.
• Conclusion includes the major support points from the body of the paper.
b. Relate Topic to Target Population- 25 points/25%
• Describes the topic and target cultural population.
• Includes statistics to support significance of the topic.
• Explains how the project relates to the selected Healthy People topic area.
• Applies health promotion concepts.
c. Summary of Articles- 25 points/25%
• A minimum of three (3) scholarly articles, from the last 5 years, are used as sources.
• Articles meet criteria of being from scholarly journals and include health promotion and wellness content.
• At least one article is related to the chosen cultural group.
• Summaries all key points and findings from the articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role of Nutrition in the Reduction of Infant Mortality
Student’s Name
Course Name and Number
Role of Nutrition in the Reduction of Infant Mortality
Infant mortality is indicative of a country’s status of public health. In the United States (US), infant mortality is considered an important health indicator by Healthy People, and the decline of infant mortality rate over the last century has been recognized as an improvement in overall health (Singh & Yu, 2019). This shows that a country is as healthy as its children. However, there is still a need to reduce the rate of infant mortality, especially among minority communities in the US. This paper explores the role of nutrition in reducing infant mortality in the US.
Compared to other high-income countries, the US has a higher infant mortality rate, despite the recorded decline in infant mortality over the last century (Singh & Yu, 2019). This has necessitated health promotion strategies that can further reduce infant mortality to at least make sure the US catches up with its counterparts. The strategies target factors that cause infant mortality. One of the health risk factors that has been identified by Healthy People (2021) as a cause of poor maternal health and infant mortality is poor nutrition. Ensuring that women and children have access to relevant nutrients for growth is paramount for a nation that wants to improve the health and well-being of the entire nation.
Reducing infant mortality requires improving maternal and child nutrition. According to Soneji and Beltran-Sanchez (2019), the US federal government recognizes the role of nutrition in reducing infant mortality. It introduced the Women, Infants, and Children’s (WIC) program to reduce maternal and child mortality caused by poor nutrition. This program offers an assessment on the nutrition of pregnant women and young children and provides them with food supplementation to reduce malnutrition and enhance the health of fetuses, infants, and their mothers. Soneji and Beltran-Sanchez (2019) indicate that th...
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