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How Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical (CTE) Structures Translate into Nursing Practice

Essay Instructions:

Analyze how the C-T-E structures into nursing practice (see Figure 5-2 of Butts and Rich text). Use actual examples from a Middle Range Theorist
Book: Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice, 3rd, Butts/Rich

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How C-T-E structures translate into Nursing Practice
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How C-T-E structures translate into Nursing Practice
Conceptual-theoretical-empirical (CTE) structure refers to the conceptual model, which is the basis for the research topic or practice situation, the theory (T) that has to be tested, and the empirical indicators (E) that guide in the observation of the idea. This model translates into nursing practice as it offers nurses a perspective of the patient and the professional approach. The conceptual model provides nurses with direct thinking, observations, and interpretations of patient experiences, consequently providing direction for action.
The conceptual models and theories provide the basis for research. Researching without a theoretical base only leads to information that cannot be linked to practice, making it useless. Butts and Rich (2013) provide a diagram on the Holarchy of nursing knowledge, which helps show how theory helps translate information for better interpretation by the nurses. Based on the figure, the conceptual models are directly related to the professional nursing practice. It shows how the conceptual models of nursing guides practical nursing activities. The specific nursing activities that are based on the conceptual model for professional practice include nursing improvement projects and nursing research, which entail literature reviews, instrument development, and various research methodologies.
The concept of theories on the C-T-E structures refers to the various theories embedded in the nursing practice. Butts and Rich's (2013) diagram highlights these theories as including the unique nursing theories, theories from nursing practice, specialties and adjunctive disciplines, and theories of delivery of nursing services. A theory, in this context, refers to one or more relatively concrete and specific concepts obtained from the conceptual model that explains the relationship between two or more ideas. Th...
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