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Risk Management (Health and Medicine)

Essay Instructions:
Describe emergency preparedness and response from a risk management perspective. It is important when identifying risk to determine what incidents or emergency events may occur and to utilise the Risk Management process to analyse, evaluate, and treat these events.\\\\ Describe how you would apply the AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Managemnt Process to Emergency Risk Management in a mine site. Give examples of plausible emergency scenarios specific to your chosen workplace which are as follows; Fire, Vehicle Collision, Confined Space, Working at Heights, Cyclone example is 2010 cyclone magda and cylone lawrence, Search and Rescue example is exploration driller went to walk back to the camp site and got lost. It is recommended that you use the headings from the AS/NZS 31000 Risk Management Standard p 13 Section 5 \\\"Process\\\": 5.1 General 5.2 Communication Consultation 5.3 Establishing the context 5.4 Risk Assessment - includes *Risk Assessment, *Risk Analysis, *Risk Evaluation 5.5 Risk Treatment 5.6 Monitoring and Reviewing as shown in figure 3 - Risk Management process p 14 AS/NZS 31000 Risk Management Standard. Assignment is to be written in times new roman 12 font using 1.5 spacing. Use APA referencing style in the text and in the end text reference list. Must not exceed the word limit 2,500 words not counting references. The name of the mine site I work for is Kimberley Diamond Company just incase you need to quote this anywhere.
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(23, September, 2010)
Risk management is an approach, process or study that is set, identified, assessed or implemented in organizations or homes in attempts aimed at eliminating or minimizing the levels of uncertain (Positive or negative) risks that are experienced in a business. These steps are implemented by the top management of these organizations seeking to venture into ways that will prevent, control or reduce the damages the company may encounter, from the man made or natural disasters. Therefore, reducing the company or individual to encounter any financial or manpower loses encountered from the disaster.
Therefore Risk Management is an approach seeking to minimize the levels of risks associated with any business firm, (Crockford, 1986). However, the trend is now changing as not only the business firms are implementing this, but other non-business organizations / firms, are involved in this form of preventions that are aimed at protecting the organizations from damage that is owned by these organizations or companies. Therefore making it possible for the top management to predict and implement the correct ways that is aimed at reducing the diverse effects of the forthcoming damage.
In establishing a strong foundation in risk management, there is need for the organizations to set a strong future preparation aimed at preventing the likeliness of serious attacks. Damages that is uncertain that may be encountered by the organization or individual in case of any unexpected damages as a result of disasters.
A standardized measure that is aimed at checking and managing the Risks and Estimating the extent of the damage is the AS/NZS ISO 31000 that is mostly applicable in all the areas in the universe and in all the aspects aimed at preventing or reducing the cases of disasters, as this concept AS/NZS ISO 31000 has got a variety of principles that regulate and ensures its proper functioning.
AS/NZS ISO 31000 is a concept that was released by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2009, in order / efforts aimed to provide a correct standard on implementation of risk management. Its application is not limited as it was not developed for a given situation, group, management or system. Occupational Health and Safety, is nothing but a multi-disciplinary area that deals with protection of safety, welfare and health of employees / workers. The main aim of the OHS program is to ensure fostering of a safer and conducive environment at work, (Sandra et al., 2003).
It is worth noting that the uncertainty of objectives can stem from failures in projects, accidents, financial markets, natural catastrophes, deliberate attacks from adversary, legal liabilities as well as credit risks. A number of risk management standards have been brought forward, namely; project management institute, national institute of science and technology, ISO standards and actuarial societies. The ISO is the most recent and notable one, (Glossop, et al, 2000).
Risks have been managed by strategies such as avoiding the risks, accepting some or either of the two uncertainties. This is transferring the uncertainty to another party (insurance companies). Despite the fact that there are good practices set, there are pitfalls in management of OHS risks within organizations. It is how effective an organization manages risks that enable it to meet the predetermined desired outcomes.
Any organization that don’t seriously address the issues concerning uncertainty on objectives as well as other hazards, will definitely loss in one way or another, and this is through; regular absenteeism of its employees, employee disability, reduced level of output and increased amounts in term of compensation normally through court orders and low man powers as a result of the employees no associating well with the organization.
Applying AS/NZS ISO 31000 in a Mine Site
We have understood what the AS/NZS ISO 31000 concept, it also have some principles that govern the way it should be implemented in a given situation. These principles are eleven in number, and they should be able to create value, be an integral part of organizational processes, and be part of decision making, (Mine Safety …, 2010). Explicitly address uncertainty, be systematic and structured, be based on the best available information, be tailored, take into account human factors, be transparent and inclusive, be dynamic, interactive and responsive to change, and finally be in a position or capable of continual improvement and enhancement.
In a mine site, the workers should be protected and be provided with protective devises according to the AS/NZS ISO 31000 and the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). This will ensure that the workers are protected from any form of accidents that may occur to the in the process of work, (Method ware, 2010). At the same time, this principle ensures that the company that conducts the mining, will critically access at the risks of the workers and other people living around the mine. It should therefore cater for the livelihood of the other people living around the mine, not necessarily the workers in the mine.
The AS/NZS ISO 31000 being one of the important ISO facilitators, therefore, the concept will ensure that a survey to be monitored in order in the mine site, and talk with the management team on the necessary ISI requirements aimed at reducing the likely hood of increased deaths of the mine workers, and also reduce intoxication of the community living around the mine filed.
In the mine site, there are certain activities that the Risk Management officer should certify in before letting the workers go into the mine. In attempts aimed at reducing cases of accidents in the mine site, first and foremost, the officer should be able to conduct a series of Hazard Identification and reporting, this is through conducting constant hazards identifications and reporting on the Hazard / Incident report form, (Crockford, 1986).
The process of incident reporting aspects, they will require any type of First aid / deaths and contamination of the environment are reported in the Hazard / Incident report form, that will be/ make it easy for the officials to identify and know the likely hood of any uncertainty from occurring and its density once it occurs, including its causes and the periods it mostly occurs.
The Hazard report form provides clear evidence of the likelihood of any uncertainty occurring, this will also help to give the work-safety notifications. This will provide the workers with the clear picture of what there work station has in store for them. This is by the workers and the community around the mine to know of any impacts of these. This may include factors like, the number of deaths, injuries as a result of the mining activities that resulted to amputation of the limbs, injuries that resulted to unconsciousness, the impacts that resulted by physical force or contact with hazardous substances or special medical requirement as a result of serious, head, eye, spinal and limps injury resulted as a result of electrocution or loss of bodily function, (Mine Safety …, 2010).
The hazard Identification Form also provides the workers with other incidents that pose great threats to the workers in the mine, and they don’t pose any serious threats to them; but if not taken care of earlier enough, they can cause a lot of risks to the mine workers as they will not be well prepared for them. They include aspects like collapse of the Mine sites, uncontrolled fire break-outs and explosion and falling items from the high heights.
This inspection that is reported on the hazard identification form will provide a strong base for the Safety officers and other risk management officials to review the hazards and work towards eliminating them. If the hazards can’t be eliminated completely, then they work towards reducing it, (Walhalla Board …, 2010). This is through various ways including isolating the hazard form people, substituting the hazard with one that is less risky, or even using engineering controls. After implementing these new ideas into the mine site, in order to reduce the risks, then one shou...
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