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Case Study on Human Biochemistry

Essay Instructions:
I will up load the question of the case studies and the full answer of it. I would like you to paraphraise the answer to new words with the same figuers and ideas, at the end I will have a copy of the answer with different words, but I want you to sperate the answers as they are numbered. I mean, I want you to write the answer of question 1 as point number 1, I don\'t want the answers be mixed that\'s all thanks alot
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Running head: Case Study on Human Biochemistry

Answer the following questions for Case A
Why is glucose high?
The level of glucose in the blood is far above the normal. The reasons for the high glucose are, first the body is unable to produce enough insulin hence limiting transfer of glucose from the blood to the cells and secondly the cells failed to respond adequately to the produced insulin. This results in high rate of urination by the patients with insulin deficiency.
Hanguku, J. (2000). Insulin-Dependent Diabetic. Nigeria: Joyna, J 2001, M Journal of
University school of Education, vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 307-329.
What are acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, and how are they produced in the body?
Acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate are organic compounds formed when the body breaks down fats to release energy instead of glucose in the event that there is low insulin in the blood.Acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate have low PH and are toxic in nature. In simple terms they are ketones.
Robbins, S. (2004). Production of Acetoacetate and Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, 4th edn, City
Hall, Kenyatta University Publishers
Explain the concentrations of acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate?
The beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate level rises in the blood and it is then passed into urine. Once in the liver, these compounds are passed into blood system and other body fluids after the hepatic fat break down has changed to a condition of increased ketone production. In all the cases insulin deficiency is incurred
Dudusu, J. (2004). Acetoacetate and Beta-hydroxybutyrate. Kenya: Jone, Longman Publishers.
Why is the hydroxybutyrate greater than acetoacetate?
There are high levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate as compared to those of acetoacetateThe relationship between the concentration of serum beta-hydroxybutyrate and carbon dioxide and serum anion gap is low, but it is not sufficient for the beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration to be used often in the assessment of the level of the ketoacidosis.Complete laboratory evaluation of the level and distinctiveness of ketoacidosis as well needs association of carbon dioxide concentration in the blood, serum PH, anionic gap and at also acetoacetate and lactate reflection and also beta serum-hydroxybutyrate.
The other reason why hydroxybutyrate has higher concentration that acetoacetate is because of the ketostix inability to react with 3-hydroxybutyrate.Ketostix reacts with acetoacetate hence lowering its concentration in the blood.Ketostix leads to an increased proportion of NAD to NADH+ to a change in the equilibrium in favor of beta-hydroxybutyrate, the difference goes up by 0-10mM..Ketostix reaction works well with acetoacetate because it’s enzymatically formed hence acetoacetate doesn’t affect the analysis of hydroxybutyrate.
Ketostix is useful still in the early stages of evaluation of adjustment but the acidity of the blood should be knowable at all stages. We suggest the use of a fresh container of ketostix and inspection with standard acetone solution in case there is a discrepancy like negative ketostix when the PH is less than 7-2.In addition, the evaluation of serum and beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate by using the rapid enzymatic method with serum lactate amount can be used. From the above analysis two situations may result which could vitiate the steady enzymatic intensity of ketones in the blood.
Chungo, J. (2008). Serum Aspartate Aminotransferase. The Maliaka: Pumbungu
Research Foundation.
Attempt to explain the increased [urea]
The higher concentration of sugar passed into urine results in the absorption of salts such as sodium and potassium and water leading to dehydration. The amount of salts then increases in the body.
Gituho, H. (2003). Urea concentration of insulin-dependent diabetic. Uganda: Longhorn
Research Foundation
Attempt to explain the decreased [HCO3-].
The drop in bicarbonate indicates that there is a metabolic acidosis or a respiratory alkalosis. The presence of net aciaemia proves the existence of metabolic acidosis. A respiratory alkalosis is not taken as the main analysis as result of acidaemia and the low concentration of bicarbonate. The low bicarbonate compensation is as a result of the drop in potassium phosphate.
Bessant, w. (2001). Levels of [HCO3-] In a Diabetic Person. Tanzania: East Africa
If the concentration of free fatty acids in the plasma were measured, would they ...
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