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Public Opinion on Health Care

Essay Instructions:

review three recent articles from credible sources regarding the Affordable Care Act. Consider using sources such as, but not limited to, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and others. Then assess the role of public opinion in relation to the Affordable Care Act. Is there a difference between public opinion and lobbyist portrayal of public opinion? How would you provide alternative policy options?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Opinion on Health Care
Public Opinion on Health Care
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) enacted in 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court in 2012 is the current subject of debate in the US. The Act advocates for healthcare as a basic right, not a privilege. It aims at minimizing the number of uninsured people by making health care available and affordable to all. The US needs changes in the health system because a total of 49.9 million uninsured people that are why PPACA was created to address the deficiency. However not everyone thinks the same (Rak and Coffin, 2013).
In one of the articles written in the Journal of Medical Practice Management, physicians are faced with multiple challenges due to the strict rules and regulation from insurance companies regarding patient care (Rak and Coffin, 2013). Since the PPACA bill was signed, physicians have to cope with several changes including dependent insurance coverage that initially covered until the age of 25 years. As a result, medical personnel are overstretched due to the influx of patients seeking medical services (Rak and Coffin, 2013). Contrary to the scenario, the article, “Beat the Press: News for New York Times,” implied that the affordable care act had little effect on women. The article noted that the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s campaign for Democratic candidates did not focus much on the Act.
The Affordable Care Act has major implications on women; it gives the opportunity for many working women through Medicaid not to be dependent on employers to provide health insurance. Therefore, the act cannot be separated from issues affecting women. However, none of the issues raised by the New York Times magazine reflects on the impact of the affordable health care (Beat the Press: News for New York Times, 2014).
The health care act has changed the way many small employers operate; to some, it has been for the better while to others, the worst. As a res...
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