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Public Health Preparedness

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 5: Public Health Preparedness Due Week 10 and worth 200 points You have just been hired as a new Vice President of quality and safety for a full-service 600-bed government healthcare organization. Within your first month on the job, the national security threat level has been raised to Imminent, which means there is a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States, and your facility may be directly impacted. The Chief Executive Officer has requested an immediate six to eight-page report of your proposal for handling such a situation. Note: You may create and /or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a 6-8 page paper in which you: Examine the existing procedures related to at least four (4) of the ten (10) essential public health services. Focus on the principal effects that these procedures will have on your hospital during the emergency. Specify the importance of continuing to evaluate patients, as stipulated by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), during the emergency. Detail three (3) measures that you would use in order to maintain the electronic medical record system during the emergency. Defend your position on the decision to accept health insurance during the emergency as a potential source of income for the facility. Provide support with at least three (3) examples that illustrate your position. Analyze the extent to which this emergency might affect the quality of care provided to the patients and the unimpeded operation of the organization. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Public Health Preparedness
Course title:
Terror threats have now become an issue of concern in the world. Unlike in the past when only certain parts of the world were considered targets, there is no area that can be considered immune from terrorism threats. Terrorists are also targeting areas where they know their impacts will be felt most. Public malls, hospitals and places of worship have become a common target for terrorists. It is therefore of great importance that every area in society to be fully prepared and have measures in place to combat terrorism (Bern, 2013). In this discussion, focus will be on public health preparedness in disaster management. The discussion will among other issues focus on what can be done when a terrorist attack takes place.
Essentials Services
The public health has categorized ten of the many services that it offers as essential. This means that the sector would be considered to be in crisis if for a reason any of the ten services are not provided. These services include identification of problems in the sector, solving the problems, creation of awareness on matters of health and ensuring that laws in the healthcare are enforced. These are some of the essential services that must constantly be provided by the public health sector.
Identification of health problems involves taking analysis of patients visiting various healthcare facilities. If people appear to have similar problems, then the cause of that problem ought to be identified. For example, a disease is referred to as an outbreak when a large number of a given population is affected by the ailment. Outbreaks are also considered as such if the rate at which the ailments spread is very high. It is a constitutional bestowed responsibility of the sector of public health to identify the outbreak and take appropriate measures to avoid the spread.
More often, when an outbreak is not contained, it can lead to a large number in the society facing the effects. Outbreaks can also lead to deaths if proper measures are not taken. Therefore, when a health problem is identified, the next step is taking measures to ensure that the problem is contained. In the case of an outbreak, quarantine has been seen to work as the best method. Quarantine involves limiting the movement of people to avoid further spreading of the ailment (Katz, 2011). This means that people who are already suffering from the ailment do not mix with those without thereby preventing further spread.
Creation of awareness on matters of health is yet another essential service that the public health sector is obligated to provide. The public health sector is a dynamic field. There are various issues that keep changing from time to time. Public health officials therefore have the responsibility to ensure that the public is kept afloat with the happenings within the sector (Kapur, 2010). Further, some of the illness and subsequent deaths that occur are due to lack of enough information in the public domain. The public health sector from time to time are expected to engage the society, releasing to them crucial information. For example, if there are new ailments that have become common, the society can be sensitized on how to prevent or contain the ailment. This is through using various materials such as brochures, booklets, door-to-door campaigns and public forums where they engage the public on such issues.
The other responsibility is enforcement of laws and regulations in the public sector. This is not only for purposes of standardizing the sector, but also to ensure that the society remains within the rule of law. These regulations have the large picture of protecting the public from dubious people in society who are likely to take advantage of unsuspecting public. For example, it is the work of the public sector to ensure that all health facilities that are in operation have the correct documentation and are duly licensed. This is for the purposes of protecting the public from quack medical practitioners who may only be interested in making money.
The above-discussed are just four of the ten essential public services which the public health sector is obligated to provide. In times of crisis, these services would heavily be affected to the detriment of the society. For example, during an emergency of this nature, it would be difficult to conduct public campaigns and forums to create awareness. Interaction between the sector and members of the society would almost be impossible. This is because the publics will keep away from the hospital for fear of the terror threats. It will also not be possible to properly identify and solve problems. As a result of the few people visiting the hospital, proper statistics and data cannot be properly taken.
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