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Evaluation of the Spiritual Needs

Essay Instructions:

Use the articles provided in the readings for this module. The Joint Commission provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using these resources and any other guidelines/examples you can find, make up your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients.
1.The spiritual-needs assessment tool should include a minimum of five questions that can either be answered by the patient and/or by your observation of the patient. The information can be presented in a Word document, in a table, or in questionnaire format.
Using your assessment-tool questions, practice completing a spiritual assessment with a patient, family member, or friend.
Once complete, analyze your results in 750-1000 words, with the following:
1.Write a brief summary of your assessment findings.
2.What significant discoveries did you make about the individual you chose to assess?
3.What went well?
4.What would you do differently in the future?
5.Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
6.Describe the spiritual experience you had with your patient, family member, or friend using this tool. How does this tool allow you to better meet the needs of your patient?
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
Submit your assessment tool, patient answers, and your analysis of how the assessment went to the instructor.
Rubric: Demonstrates integrative comprehension and thoughtful application of concepts surrounding spiritual assessment processes, utilization of tools, and these tools? application in real-world situations. Presentation of material and components includes expanded and unique perspective relative to understanding assessment preparation, development, and sensitivity.
Coverage extends beyond what is needed to support subject matter
Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course title:

This paper is aimed at completing an evaluation of a selected individual that will be utilized in the determination of his spiritual needs. Religion and spirituality are terms, which are in most cases used interchangeably. However, these terms do not in reality have the similar meaning. One can be religious without necessarily being spiritual and vice versa. The Webster dictionary defines religion as the service and worship to God. Religion can also be regarded as a devotion or commitment to a religious observance and faith, institutionalized or personal set of attitudes, practices and beliefs (Nouwen, 2011). Spirituality can as well be defined as the state of being concerned with matters relating to religion, the state or quality of being spiritual. It is a person’s inner belief system. It assists an individual in searching for a purpose and meaning of life. Further, it assists individuals in experiencing love, hope, comfort, inner peace, support, and comfort. Religion is generally a belief, which a person adheres to. It involves specific practices and rituals, the externals of humanity’s belief system (Levin, 2010).
Griggin et al (2009), notes that for patients to experience more effective healing, health care professionals who are dealing with their conditions must be concerned on their spiritual needs as well. This is because religion and spirituality do have an impact on the health and wellness of people. The patient who was a Christian by faith had a high regard to spirituality. He had a belief that God maintained and sustained his health. This patient also affirmed that health care practitioners should respect the religious inclinations of patients irrespective of whether they contradicted with their own faith. According to the Joint Commission (2005), the dimensions of spirituality and religion do affect the lives of many individuals (Joint Commission, 2005). This paper is an evaluation of a patient in Texas.
My assessment was on a person identified as Mr. Vincent who is aged 65 years. Mr Vincent is a catholic by denomination explains that he is a staunch believer in Christianity. He explains that in this world, he is only a visitor and that Jesus Christ is preparing a permanent home in heaven. Reading from the book of John 14: 1, he explains that we should not let our hearts be troubled, rather, we should belief, and trust in God, and submit everything to Him. He went on to disclose that his spiritual wellness was maintained by constant prayer, bible reading, Holy Communion, fasting, and attending church meetings and services. He also gave a vivid explanation that his faith in Jesus Christ was the motivation, and basis for his life. Jesus Christ, who is also God the son died, and arose from dead on the third day in order to redeem him. This same Jesus is going back for a second time to take his Faithfull to where he was. This is where his basic belief lied. Many people tend to be sad when they are sick, but interestingly, Mr Vincent seemed to be happy even though he is in a serious condition. His belief is that God sends all sicknesses, and they are meant to make him come closer to God. This is because at this time, he is expected to be more prayerful, and be closer to God to heal him. Reading from the book of Romans 8: 28, he explains that all things essentially work for the good of those who are considered God’s children, and are called specifically for his purpose.
With regard to the relationship between the practitioner and the patient, Mr Vincent articulated that physicians or health practitioners ought to respect the religious belonging of all patients. He observed that this was the essential part of their well-being. According to him, respect for patients was not only important for health care purposes, but it was a general aspect of humanity. He was comfortable in a healthcare facility that was based on trust, mutual interest, trust and respect. Concerning whether healthcare professionals should discuss spiritual matters with the patients, Mr Vincent that he did not expect health practitioners to discuss this issue with their patients.
The Assessment
This evaluation can be termed as a successful one. Not only did he arrive on time, but also he was also lively, and was free to express himself in the discussion. This made my work to be easy. I will wish to follow this trend in the future but try to make the patient comfortable during the assessment. In addition, I will compliment the patient’s beliefs with those of mine but ensure that those that crass ar...
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