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Dental material Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Instructions The objectives for this activity include: 1. Identify the relevant materials properties associated with a described restorative clinical situation. 2. Communicate how the best available evidence to guide decision-making concerning the failure/problem was located. 3. Describe your solution to the situation. 4. Provide an analysis of the evidence to justify your solution. Restorative Clinical Situation A nineteen year old African-American male presents with tooth #10 fractured 1.5 mm above the height of the gingiva. The Review of Medical History, Review of Systems, and List of Medications, reveal no contributory factors. The Clinical Examination shows a Class 1 mutually protected occlusion with a zero DMFT. The radiographic examination shows no evidence of root fracture, bone loss or caries. Tooth #10 is fully developed with no periapical radiolucency. The patient has a high smile line that reveals 6 mm of attached maxillary anterior gingiva. After reading the above scenario: Identify and briefly explain the 3 most relevant physical, mechanical and/or biologic material properties that you believe should be considered when looking for evidence to guide your treatment recommendation in this case. Describe how you went about finding the evidence including the details of the method for locating that evidence. Considering the best available evidence, clearly state your treatment recommendation. (Remember that what is taught at IUSD may be only one of many justifiable approaches.) (The first three sections of this submission should be provided in bullet format.) Provide an analysis of the evidence to justify your choice including the level of confidence that you would place in the evidence. The analysis should be organized with the four sections identified above. There is no minimum length requirement the last section should be limited to a total of 1200 words and must be appropriately referenced. The references and bulleted sections (Sections 1-3) will not count in the word limit. The analysis must be placed into the text box associated with this assignment in Oncourse AND uploaded as a Word document attachment. The grading rubric that will be used to score this activity has been provided as an attachment to this assignment in Oncourse. Students are strongly encouraged to be familiar with the rubric before submitting the response. An actual description of the method used to find the best available evidence available to guide your decision/s is expected! Supporting Materials Clin Case Anal 2014.doc (28 KB) Clin Case Anal Rubric.docx (18 KB) Exemplary Competent Developing Material’s Properties The major relevant properties associated with the failure/problem were identified and discussed. (20 pts) Some of the major relevant properties associated with the failure/problem were identified and discussed. (14 pts) Significant numbers of major relevant properties were omitted. (0 pts) Solution An appropriate solution is provided. (20 pts) A questionably appropriate solution is provided. (14 pts) A clinically unacceptable or no solution is provided. (0 pts) Analysis The analysis clearly supports the solution provided. (30 pts) The analysis is provided, but lacks clear support for the solution provided. (21 pts) No analysis is provided or the provided analysis does not support the solution provided. (0 pts) Evidence Appropriate search strategies are provided and presented evidence is among the best available. (10 pts) Search strategies are presented and the identified evidence is relevant but not the best available. (7 pts) Search strategies for identifying evidence are not presented or the evidence is not relevant to the situation. (0 pts) 10 points deducted for late submissions The objectives for this activity include: 1. Identify the relevant materials properties associated with a described restorative clinical situation. 2. Communicate how the best available evidence to guide decision-making concerning the failure/problem was located. 3. Describe your solution to the situation. 4. Provide an analysis of the evidence to justify your solution. Restorative Clinical Situation A nineteen year old African-American male presents with tooth #10 fractured 1.5 mm above the height of the gingiva. The Review of Medical History, Review of Systems, and List of Medications, reveal no contributory factors. The Clinical Examination shows a Class 1 mutually protected occlusion with a zero DMFT. The radiographic examination shows no evidence of root fracture, bone loss or caries. Tooth #10 is fully developed with no periapical radiolucency. The patient has a high smile line that reveals 6 mm of attached maxillary anterior gingiva. After reading the above scenario: 1. Identify and briefly explain the 3 most relevant physical, mechanical and/or biologic material properties that you believe should be considered when looking for evidence to guide your treatment recommendation in this case. 2. Describe how you went about finding the evidence including the details of the method for locating that evidence. 3. Considering the best available evidence, clearly state your treatment recommendation. (Remember that what is taught at IUSD may be only one of many justifiable approaches.) (The first three sections of this submission should be provided in bullet format.) 4. Provide an analysis of the evidence to justify your choice including the level of confidence that you would place in the evidence. The analysis should be organized with the four sections identified above. There is no minimum length requirement the last section should be limited to a total of 1200 words and must be appropriately referenced. The references and bulleted sections (Sections 1-3) will not count in the word limit. The analysis must be placed into the text box associated with this assignment in Oncourse AND uploaded as a Word document attachment. The grading rubric that will be used to score this activity has been provided as an attachment to this assignment in Oncourse. Students are strongly encouraged to be familiar with the rubric before submitting the response. An actual description of the method used to find the best available evidence available to guide your decision/s is expected!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dental Material Assignment
Course title:
Dental material assignment
Material properties: After reading the scenario, the 3 most relevant physical, mechanical and/or biological material properties that should be considered when looking for evidence to guide treatment recommendation in this case are as follows:
Tooth #10 fractured 1.5 mm above the height of the gingival – identifying contributory factors could help in the treatment. However, the review of medical history, review of systems and list of medications does not divulge any contributory factor.
Class 1 mutually protected occlusion with zero DMTF. This was revealed by a clinical examination. However, the radiographic examination does not reveal any evidence of root fracture, caries or bone loss.
Six (6) mm of attached maxillary anterior gingival and the patient is 19 year old African-American, male.
How the best available evidence was located: in finding the evidence, the following crucial factors were taken into account:
Age and ethnicity/race of the patient
Examining the patient’s list of medications, medical history, and review of systems
Looking at the patient’s clinical examination and radiographic examination
Examining tooth #10 which is fractured and is completely developed with no periapical radiolucency.
Solution to the problem: Considering the best available evidence, the treatment recommendation is as follows:
Dental bonding
Dental filling
Straightening the front teeth
Mucogingival surgery
Analysis of the evidence to justify the solution: considering that the patient’s #10 tooth is fractured, the crack or fracture may be removed through dental filling or bonding. Dental fillings: Dental fillings are commonly utilized in repairing teeth which are broken or fractured, or those that have been worn down from misuse for instance by tooth grinding or nail biting (Viana, Correia & Kovacs, 2012). Dental filling materials that could be used include porcelain; gold; silver amalgam that comprises mercury combined with zinc, tin, silver and copper; or tooth colored glass materials referred to as composite resin, and plastic. It is recommended that cast gold fillings be used because of a number of advantages such as: Strength: it is able to endure chewing forces; durability: it can last for at least ten to fifteen years or longer and it does not corrode; and third, for aesthetics given that the gold would be more pleasing to the eye compared to silver, amalgam fillings.
Dental bonding: Besides dental filling, bonding is also a possible treatment option for the 19-year old, black, male patient. Bonding essentially is when a tooth-colored composite resin – plastic – is applied to repair that tooth which is discolored, fractured, chipped or decayed. Bonding is appropriate for the patient in this case since he has #10 fractured tooth 1.5 mm above the height of the gingival. Different from veneers that are fabricated within a laboratory and call for a customized mold in order to attain a proper fit, bonding could be performed in only one visit. It is noteworthy that the procedure is known as bonding since the material will bond to the tooth (Herholz, Hahn & Schilling, 2013). In general, bonding is amongst the least expensive and easiest of cosmetic dental procedures. The material utilized in bonding – composite resin – could be polished and shaped to match the surrounding teeth. In this case, bonding would be utilized specifically in closing the spaces or fractures in the patient’s #10 tooth. This will make the patient’s tooth be much stronger and would be able to resist chewing forces. Nonetheless, it is notable that the composite resin that is utilized in dental bonding is not nearly as tough as a natural tooth. The material can be chipped if the individual bits his...
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