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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Patient Privacy How To Protect Privacy Of Health Records

Essay Instructions:

Explain the importance of patient privacy. How can one protect the privacy of one’s health records? How can one prove that one’s medical privacy was violated? What can be done if one thinks that one’s medical privacy was violated?

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Patient’s Privacy
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April 19, 2019
According to Lord (2018), the importance of protecting patient’s privacy goes beyond simply complying with state and institutional policies. Rather, protecting this right also benefits healthcare providers in myriad of ways such as increasing their efficiency of treatments and costs of operations CITATION Lor18 \l 1033 (Lord, 2018). Accordingly, this shows that protecting patient’s privacy should be given equal importance with treatment itself. However, in a recent survey released by the Office of the Civil Rights in the United States, number of major breaches have constinuously increased from 2009 to 2018, suggesting the need for stronger safeguards for these rights CITATION HIPnd \l 1033 (HIPAAJournal.com, n.d.).
In line with the increasing number of data breaches that endanger patients’ privacy, some alternatives provided by security analyts consists of both technological and non-technological processes. On the one hand, some of the technological processes that could ensure patient privacy includes using encrypted system for hospital records and using subnted wireless networks to prevent outside forces from ‘getting in’...
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