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Why is an Understanding of the Specific Social Context Important to Understanding the Process of Gender Socialization

Essay Instructions:

Page one: please read topic and then students response to topic, then write what you agree/disagree, like/dislike, etc. 
Why is an understanding of the specific social context important to understanding the process of gender socialization
How might gender socialization be different across races or socioeconomic class? 
Give an example from the chapter or personal experience.
Student response: Gender socialization occurs as a result of the ideas of what is typical for genders in a specific society. Through the process of socialization a child develops a gender identity. They learn what the society considers to be normal expectations of a male and female. For example girls should like dolls, cooking, dancing, etc. Men should like cars, building things, hunting, etc. The child learns theses social norms and decides if they are a boy or a girl what they should like. They begin to identify themselves with the norms of the given society.
I think socialization may be different across socioeconomic class because in lower classes where both parents tend to work children may identify as working being a characteristic of both genders. Likewise children who belong to parents in a higher socioeconomic household where a woman is a stay at home mom may identify working as a characteristic of a male while raising the kids and household chores become that of a female.
One example of socialization differing between races comes from the power point. It shows that in China women and men have similar roles once they grow up (Ryle 2015) . The fact that they live in a communist country means both men and women hold similar jobs. I feel like this defers from Americans because here we still have certain gender norms for jobs. While there are some mechanics and engineers here who are females most tend to be male. Likewise most pre-k teachers tend to be female although there are some male pre-k teachers. 
Pages 2&3: review Powerpoint and discuss what you learned.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

I concur with the perception that gender socialization leads to the development of gender identity of the child being socialized to fit into the society. However, the examples that you provide, for instance, "girls should like cooking and dolls" can be well referred to as gender roles since they dictate what a particular gender should be doing; this is more specific than the social norms that is wide. Again, it is also important to know that a society is composed of different agents of socialization; for instance, peers, institutions such as schools, religion, and family, are all involved in the socialization process. There are instances where the alleged socialization agents provide conflicting ideas on what is right and wrong for a particular gender. For example, schools socializing that males and females have the same opportunities and responsibilities while religion insisting that men and women have different duties in the society. Therefore, I concur with your view that a child being socialized may be compelled to adopt those behaviors that he/she likes and are more compelling than the other conducts; in this case, the peer group becomes more influential to the child.
This response also agrees that socio-economic status is one of the social contexts of understanding gender socialization. However, the proposition that a child will learn gender roles based on the duties assumed by the parents is misleading. For example, how can one explain the gender roles of children who have one parent? When a working class parent commits more of his/her time at work, other agents of socialization such as peers becomes readily available to the children. Therefore, the agent of socialization that becomes influential to the child will modify him/her to the gender roles that may conflict with other perceptions. Different social contexts are created by unique circumstances that affect the gender socialization.
Sex is composed of any actions that are sexual; for instance, when people speak of sexual identity, they infer to the groups of heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual. The idea of gender in sexuality emerge when a person thinks of the expectations that are attached to each male and female as the ones being involved in sexuality. In this case, sex influences gender, where ...
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