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Quantitative and Qualitative on Nursing Home Patients and Treatment of Pneumonia

Essay Instructions:

Reference for paper have been included
Follow the instructions provided in Critique of Research Studies instructions.
When turning in the final submission, please put in the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
Allwood, C. (2012). The Distinction between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods is 
Problematic. Qual Quant 46(2), 1417–1429
Carusone, S., Loeb, M., & Lohfeld, L. (2006). Pneumonia Care and the Nursing Home. BMC Geriatric 6(2)
Harwell, M. (2013). Research Design in Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods. University of Minnesota.
Steen, J., et al. (2002). Withholding antibiotic treatment in pneumonia patients with dementia. Arch Intern Med 162(15), 1753-1760.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Research Critique: Quantitative and Qualitative on Nursing Home Patients and Treatment of Pneumonia
Institutional Affiliation:
Nursing Research Critique: Quantitative and Qualitative on Nursing Home Patients and Treatment of Pneumonia
Quantitative Article Critique
Data Analysis
The article utilized statistical analysis in evaluating the data collected. The authors employed logistic regression analysis to generate their conclusions; first using univariate regression then stepwise multivariate regression analysis. The technique utilized is appropriate since the researchers were seeking to understand the relationship between a pneumonia patient with dementia and the withholding of curative antibiotics. According to Allwood (2011), a regression analysis is used when there is a need to estimate the links between independent variables and a dependent variable.
The results of the study were well-summarized with proper presentation. The authors described the variables such as patient factors, illness severity, and clinical judgment and how these influenced the choice of withholding or not withholding antibiotics. There was sufficient comparison between the themes hence, clinical judgment as the most impactful in the decision process (van der Steen, Ooms, Adèr, Ribbe & van der Wal, 2002). The findings are both insightful and provocative and help the readers understand what leads to the withholding of antibiotics for pneumonia patients with dementia.
Reliability and Validity
The data collection methods, adequate sample size and thorough analysis of the data enhance the reliability of the findings. However, the difference in weighing the degree of a variable among the physicians limits the accuracy of the results. Also, there is a question of validity due to the lack of the attainment of the direct information from families and physicians concerning their basis for their decisions.
Interpretation of Findings
The discussion and integration were done based on the results acquired during the investigation. Additionally, there is the reference to other previous studies concerning the phenomena. However, the authors do not provide adequate details of these research works, limiting the audience’s understanding of how they came up with their conclusions.
The researchers present the factors that may lead to withholding of antibiotic treatment for pneumonia in patients with dementia providing a basis for further investigations. They suggest that the data can be utilized to facilitate discussions on whether the predictors should be critical in decision making. Furthermore, more research concerning the ways that physicians can accurately weigh patient factors could assist in advancing pneumonia treatment.
Global Issues
Harwell (2013) explains that a quantitative research is supposed to show the relationship between some variables. The document achieves this through sufficient analysis of data with detailed findings and interpretation of the results. The audience comprehends the elements that could lead to antibiotic withholding for patients with dementia. Conversely, the authors do not organize their work well; they make use of section headings that the reader cannot easily understand.
Researchers Credibility
The researchers have expertise in nursing and medical issues, implying their credibility in investigating the subject and generating the conclusions. They teach and serve departments in the Medical Center at VU University, Amsterdam.
Summary Assessment
The researchers provide significant findings that would be useful in understanding the factors that affect the decisions concerning antibiotic administration to pneumonia patients. Other investigators can utilize the data to evaluate if all or some of these predictors would be significant in making decisions. As a result, improving the nursing care of pneumonia patients with dementia and help save lives. The authors’ expertise, the considerable sample size, and the utilization of superior statistical analyzing techniques enhances the credibility of the document. However, there is little information about the previous studies in the same field limiting the validity of the conclusions. A further discussion of these works would have improved the reader’s comprehension of the factors and their effects.
Qualitative Article Critique
Data Analysis
The data analysis methods utilized and its management were accurately described by the a...
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