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How Men and Women Harmed by Gendered Beliefs about Sexuality

Essay Instructions:

This is for sociology.
How are both men and women harmed by gendered beliefs about sexuality?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being seen as a sexual object or a sexual subject?
How do the videos this week speak to these issues?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gendered Beliefs about Sexuality
For many years, the world has witnessed the gender inequality owing to various gendered beliefs about sexuality. What it entails to be either a woman or a man in the society, are beliefs about sexuality; that is how we feel about our bodies. Some of the gender beliefs are harmful but are common norms in many communities, harming both men and women. Accordingly, sexuality has both advantages and disadvantages that accrue to either the male of female in the society.
In several communities, women are viewed and treated like property of the family (Daniel & Bridges, 2010). Women cannot make any decision in some of the major events or activities that greatly affect them, for example, marriage. In some communities, the father arranges to have his daughter marry a man of his choice. Accordingly, women are denied the opportunity and freedom to decide about their future. This makes most women to be powerless and vulnerable to men resulting to other vices such as sexual abuse (Daniel & Bridges, 2010). For men, gender roles and expectations affect every aspect of their lives including health, relationships, and happiness. If a man is unable to live up to the society’s expectations, they feel inferior and become insecure (Daniel & Bridges, 2010).
Men are viewed and treated as perfect people, men are also considered as great giving them huge egos .The common saying that boys or men do not cry is a clear illustration of how men are expected to behave. Boys are taught that it is not acceptable to let people know of his weakness and vulnerabilities. When under pressure men keep their issues to themselves making life very stressful for them. In reality, men fear seeking guidance to solve their problems. Men make several mistakes repeatedly that are often ignored because they feel superior (Szymanski, Carr, & Moffitt, 2011).
Gender roles affect women. For instance, providing for the family is viewed as a man's responsibility. N...
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