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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Providers Might Recommend for Breast Cancer Patients

Essay Instructions:

Breast cancer in women 
Locate and review articles examining the type of cancer you selected.
Select two of the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on 
how these factors might impact decisions related to preventive services.
Consider drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with breast cancer including short-term and long-term implications of the treatments.
To complete:
Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:
Describe available preventive services that providers might recommend for patients at risk of the type of cancer you selected.
Explain how the factors you selected might impact decisions related to preventive services.
Describe drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Explain the short-term and long-term implications of these treatments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Breast Cancer in Women
Institutional Affiliation:
Breast Cancer in Women
Breast cancer is among the most challenging diseases because of the absence of symptoms during the early phases. Globally, the primary type of cancer in women is breast cancer that affects the breast tissue (DeAngelis, 2010). The lack of breast cancer awareness among women also serves to add the risk of the disease progressing to the later stages without the knowledge of its existence. The signs of breast cancer include a breast mass or lump, nipple discharging blood, inverted nipple, breast pain, size changes of the nipple or breast, and breast’s skin color change. The clinical physical exams, mammography, self-examination, biopsy, and ultrasound testing are some of the methods that can be used in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Research over the years has yielded some preventive mechanisms and treatment options.
There are preventive services that those women that are at risk of getting breast cancer can use. One of the mechanisms is diet modification that will ensure that one maintains a healthy weight (Dayal & Kalia, 2010). Experts explain that dietary fats taken during adolescence may pose one to the danger of getting breast cancer. Additionally, women can adopt lifestyles that would protect them such as avoiding alcohol and smoking. Both passive and active smoking increases the risk of one getting breast cancer (Macacu, Autier, Boniol & Boyle, 2015). Also, routine breast cancer screening for women above 40 years could also help in the early detection of the disease that could assist in curbing. According to DeAngelis (2010), it is advisable for women to have regular personal examinations or clinical physical exams that would contribute to identifying any breast changes that could be cancerous.
Genetics and age are some of the risk factors that may lead to breast cancer. As discussed by Eccles (2008), women with inherited alterations in particular genes are at a higher likelihood of breast cancer. Some of the genes that parents pass on such as BRCA1 and BCRA2 makes the offspring susceptible to breast cancer. The factor could affect the age at which screening can be done as those that may have inherited these genes would require early screening. Additionally, in cases where genetics can lead to one developing cancer, addressing lifestyle issues are critical at a young age. Another risk element is age. It contributes signi...
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