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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Some Risk Factors Associated With Health Promotion

Essay Instructions:

Preventative Care

What questions will you want to ask your patients at every visit in order to get the information needed to provide individualized preventive services?

How does the age and gender of the patient impact your approach to delivering preventive services and providing health education?

How does the patient's developmental milestones impact their ability to make healthy changes and take charge of their health?

What are some risk factors associated with health promotion?

Please: APA format with 3 or more supporting evidence-based resources 5 years or less

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Preventive Care
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Preventive Care
1 What questions will you want to ask your patients at every visit in order to get the information needed to provide individualized preventive services?
* Have you ever felt like you need help from others in performing daily activities such as bathing, eating, walking, getting dressed and laundry?
* How often do you feel anxious or nervous?
* How often do you feel depressed?
* Have you ever suffered any personal loss or misfortune?
* How often do you find it difficult to take the medicines as prescribed by the physician?
* How many times do you engage in strenuous activities within a week?
* Do you always get social and emotional support that you need?
2 How does the age and gender of the patient impact your approach to delivering preventive services and providing health education?
Based on the findings from various studies, fewer men receive preventive services as compared to women. On the other hand, fewer young people receive the services as compared to older people (Delany‐Moretlwe, 2015). Therefore, knowing the age and gender of a patient helps me to develop alternate methods such as worksite or community programs that will be situated in ...
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