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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Organization Culture Readiness Assessment Section B

Essay Instructions:

I chose you because you wrote part of the capstone project, which is "Open visiting hours in the ICU". This is a 2 parts assignment, I am not sure how many references and the fee. they are different length. Below are the description. Please let me know additional fee and information.

Part A:

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment

Before making a case for an evidence‐based project, it is essential to understand the culture of the organization in order to begin assessing its readiness for EBP implementation. Select an appropriate organizational culture survey tool and use this instrument to assess the organization's readiness.

Develop an analysis of 250 words from the results, addressing your organization's readiness level, possible project barriers and facilitators, as well as how to integrate clinical inquiry.

Make sure to include the rationale for the survey categories scores that were significantly high and low, incorporating details and/or examples. Also explain how to integrate clinical inquiry into the organization, providing strategies that strengthen the organizations weaker areas.

Submit a summary of your results. The actual survey results do not need to be included.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, revise "Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment" for your final paper submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

RUBRiC:Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment - Rubric

No of Criteria: 1 Achievement Levels: 5


Achievement Levels

Description Percentage


0.00 %

Less than Satisfactory

80.00 %


88.00 %


92.00 %


100.00 %

Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment


Describe the results from the organizational culture survey you selected, addressing the readiness level of your organization. Provide an analysis of any possible project barriers and facilitators, and describe how to integrate clinical inquiry into your organization.


The survey results are listed without an in-depth explanation. Analysis of the project barriers and facilitators is not outlined or is outlined poorly. Clinical inquiry is defined and/or broad statements are made about it, but the individual organization being assessed is not specifically addressed. Inaccurate comprehension of material is revealed, as is the lack of ability to apply information. Subject matter is absent, inappropriate, and/or irrelevant. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used.

The survey results are listed without an in-depth explanation. The project barriers and facilitators are ignored or superficially evaluated. Unwarranted conclusions are drawn. Clinical inquiry is defined and/or broad statements are made about it, but the individual organization being assessed is not specifically addressed. A lack of comprehension is displayed, but there is an attempt to apply information. There is weak, marginal coverage of subject matter with large gaps in presentation. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.

A basic survey overview is provided, but any rationale, details, and/or examples are minimally included. A surface level of evaluation of the possible project barriers and facilitators is conducted. Very narrow focus is provided. Claims and ideas of the criteria are supported but not developed in-depth. How to integrate a basic idea of clinical inquiry into the organization is explained but does not specifically address the individual organization being assessed. Comprehension of the material is exhibited and there is clearly an attempt to integrate and apply information. All subject matter is covered in minimal quantity and quality. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

Information in relation to the survey categories which scored high and low on the survey is provided. The rationale for the scores, including details and/or examples, is stated. Analysis on the project barriers and facilitators is direct, competent, and appropriately aligned to the survey. How to integrate a basic idea of clinical inquiry into the organization is explained, and strategies that broadly encompass many issues of concern are provided. Integrative and accurate comprehension is demonstrated and information is applied as appropriate. There is comprehensive coverage of subject matter. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

Detailed information in relation to the survey categories that scored high and low on the survey is provided. The rationale for the scores, including details and/or examples, is provided. The major project barriers and facilitators are thoughtfully analyzed and evaluated. Warranted conclusions are drawn. An informed position on how to integrate clinical inquiry into the organization is developed and explained, providing strategies which align to the weaker areas of the organization. Clarity and specificity of comprehension are demonstrated, and all relevant information is synthesized. Coverage extends beyond what is needed to support subject matter. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Total Percentage 100


Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section B: Problem Description

Write a paper of 500‐750 words (not including the title page and reference page) on your proposed problem description for your EBP project. The paper should address the following:

Describe the background of the problem. Tell the story of the issue and why it deserves attention.

Identify the stakeholders/change agents. Who, or what organizations, are concerned, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal. List the interested parties, patients, students, agencies, Joint Commission, etc.

Use the feedback from the Topic 2 main forum post and refine your PICOT question. Make sure that the question fits with your graduate degree specialization.

State the purpose and project objectives in specific, realistic, and measurable terms. The objective should address what is to be gained. This is a restatement of the question, providing focus. Measurements need to be taken before and after the evidence‐based practice is introduced to identify the expected changes.

5) Provide supportive rationale that the problem or issue is an important one for nursing to resolve using relevant professional literature sources.

Develop an initial reference list to assure that there is adequate literature to support your evidence‐based practice project. Follow the "Steps to an Efficient Search to Answer a Clinical Question" box in chapter 3 of the textbook. Use "NUR‐699 Search Method Example" to assist you.

7) The majority of references should be research articles. However, national sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS), or the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and others may be used when you are gathering statistics to provide the rationale for the problem.

Once you get into the literature, you may find there is very little research to support your topic and you will have to start all over again. Remember, in order for this to be an evidence‐based project, you must have enough evidence to introduce this as a practice change. If you find that you do not have enough supporting evidence to change a practice, then further research would need to be conducted.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section B: Problem Description" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.




Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section B: Problem Description - Rubric

No of Criteria: 1 Achievement Levels: 5


Achievement Levels

Description Percentage


0.00 %

Less than Satisfactory

80.00 %


88.00 %


92.00 %


100.00 %

Problem Description


Describe the background of the problem. Identify the stakeholders/change agents and list the interested parties. Provide the PICOT question. State the purpose and project objectives in specific, realistic, and measurable terms. Develop an initial reference list.


There is no discernible problem description and/or objectives. The problem selection rationale is not addressed or is minimally addressed. Expected changes before and after the evidence-based practice are not addressed or are minimally addressed. Inaccurate comprehension of material and lack the ability to apply information is revealed. Subject matter is absent, inappropriate, and/or irrelevant. Initial reference list is missing. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used.

The problem description and objectives are addressed, but not all components are included. Alignment is difficult to discern. The problem is not in the correct format. Objectives are lacking measurement or may be ambiguous. The problem selection rationale is not addressed or is minimally introduced with no supporting details. Expected changes before and after the evidence-based practice are listed. A lack of comprehension is displayed, but there is an attempt to apply information. A partial initial reference list is developed. There is weak, marginal coverage of subject matter with large gaps in presentation. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.

The problem description and objectives are stated but may not be fully developed or aligned. The problem is in the PICOT format but not appropriately developed. Objectives are measurable but may be ambiguous. The problem selection rationale is present but the significance is unclear. Expected changes are briefly introduced. Comprehension of the material is exhibited and there is clearly an attempt to integrate and apply information. All subject matter is covered in minimal quantity and quality. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

The problem description and objectives are presented and tie together. The stakeholders/change agents - who or what organizations are concerned, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal - are identified. The problem is in the PICOT format and developed appropriately. Objectives are measurable. The problem selection is justified using literature. Expected changes are outlined. An initial reference list is developed. Integrative and accurate comprehension is demonstrated and information is applied as appropriate. There is comprehensive coverage of subject matter. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

The problem description and objectives are presented in detail and align. The stakeholders/change agents - who or what organizations are concerned, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal - are described. The problem is in the PICOT format and developed appropriately. Objectives are measurable. The problem selection is justified using literature and supportive examples, not just based on the most current evidence. Expected changes before and after the evidence-based practice are integrated. An initial reference list is developed. Clarity and specificity of comprehension are demonstrated, and all relevant information is synthesized. Coverage extends beyond what is needed to support subject matter. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Total Percentage 100


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Needs Assessment
Student’s Name
Institutional affiliation
Needs Assessment
This project utilized the Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-Wide Integration of Evidence Based Practice (OCRSIEP) survey tool to assess the readiness level of the organization to implement an EBP (Brown, 2014). The OCRSIEP tool contains 19 items that addresses a number of aspects of practitioner’s perspectives on the organization’s readiness to implement an EBP (Eberhart, 2014). The ability of the tool to assess various aspects of the practitioner’s perceptions is the reason why it was considered important.
Answers to the tool’s items range from “None at all” to “Very Much” depending on how the EBP has been incorporated into the mission of the organization and practiced. Eight nurses were assessed where 6 of them recorded the commitment to EBP to be “a little”, that of physician and administration to be “very much”. The practitioners recorded “a little” to “somewhat” on the number of nurses who possesses the necessary knowledge and skills in relation to evidence based practice. Additionally, they also recorded “a little” to “somewhat” nurses who...
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