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568-D-1 Medical Condition Pharyngitis

Essay Instructions:

You are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. List any diagnostic studies or laboratory test(s) you need to rule in or rule out a diagnosis for pharyngitis

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Pharyngitis is a medical condition in which back of the throat (known as pharynx in medical terms) has inflammation; it is also referred to as the sore throat (Pradeepan & Wark, 2018). In the United States, like many affluent countries in the world, specialized systems have been designed to accumulate data for research purpose. The patterns are built with the help of available data to foresee the future incidence of pharyngitis.
The APNs have been examining the cases of pharyngitis very closely over the years based on their skill and advanced knowledge. They have found several cases to be very discrete and rare, where many patients uniquely developed pharyngitis.
It’s safe to say that an effective and viable treatment plan for the patients suffering from pharyngitis is crucial for their recovery from many complications (such as rheumatic fever). It has been long argued by the medical experts that the diagnosis of the etiology of viral and bacterial pharyngitis is very difficult in most people (Jacquet, 2016). This argument is based on the studies that outline the fact about streptococcal pharyngitis which cannot be differentiated from non-streptococcal pharyngitis based on the physical examination of the patients.
In recent years, nearly ten million people have been diagnosed with pharyngitis out of which 15-30 percent people are women and children. Up to 15 percent people are adults with GABHS (Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcal) infection. This huge number of ten million is recorded in outpatient settings and out of which 80 percent is recorded in a primary care setting.
Studies show that GABHS pharyngitis is more likely to infect children between the ages of 5 to15 years. The percentage for pharyngitis related infection in adul...
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